Learning Space News

Year 1/2
It has been a busy start to Term 2 in the 1/2 Learning Space! We have been working together as a learning community to make it a fun, calm and joyful space to learn and play. Students have been learning how to work together, about each other’s families and cultures, which students have thoroughly enjoyed.
Students have been reading a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. They have been learning how to summarise and answer literal and inferential questions about the books they have read.
Students have been learning how to write a narrative. In preparation for our excursion, students made characters out of paper and craft materials. They described the 'outside' traits of their character before they took their character on an adventure to the Botanic Gardens.
Students have been learning addition and subtraction strategies, such as doubles, 'friends of ten', the split strategy and jump strategy to solve addition and subtraction problems. They have been consolidating their knowledge of place value by skip counting, modelling numbers and completing number patterns.
Students have been creating surveys to collect data. The students have become quite creative with the topics they chose to survey their peers for example, Kion asked ‘What is your favourite creature?’ The data lessons have allowed students not only share their interests but also learn interesting information about each other.
Excursion to the Royal Botanic Gardens
On Thursday 2nd May, students went on their first excursion of the year to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne. For many students, this was their first time exploring the gardens and they were amazed at what they saw!
First, students had the opportunity to explore the Children’s Garden. In this garden, they explored the vegetable patch, the bamboo forest and saw sculptures, such as the Magic Pudding Statue.
From there, they journeyed to the Cactus Garden and Guilfoyle's Volcano where students placed their characters from Literacy in this incredible setting.
Finally, the day was finished with a walk through the gardens. This experience allowed students to use the Botanical Gardens as a setting for their narrative writing. Issac in Year 1 was so inspired that he wrote a story about 'Shelly the Turtle' who lives in the botanic gardens.
Mother’s Day Craft
Students decided to get creative and make special gifts for their mothers and other special people in their lives. With support from teachers, students painted their hand and created a poster for their loved ones. From there, they painted flowerpots and were able to plant a flower to take home. Everyone was delighted with the final product!