Biggest Morning Tea

Athol Road Primary School and Kindergarten will be participating in the 2024 Biggest Morning Tea. Together, we can help Cancer Council raise much needed funds that go towards vital cancer research, support services, prevention programs, and advocacy.
Athol Road Primary School and Kindergarten’s BIGGEST MORNING TEA will be held on Tuesday 28th May at 10.45am – 11.30am.
On Tuesday 28th May, all students are asked to bring food to share. Tables will be set up in the school hall and all food will be set up and supervised by staff. To ensure a variety of sweet and savoury we are asking the girls to bring savoury and boys to bring the sweets.
For example:
GIRLS - Savoury: popcorn, pretzels, chips, spring rolls, sandwiches, vegemite scrolls, cheese, vegetable sticks such as carrots, celery, cucumber
BOYS - Sweet: Biscuits, cookies, cupcakes, muffins, donuts, brownies, croissants, lollies, fruit
Please do not send any items with NUTS.
Children who have allergies to dairy/eggs can bring their own separate morning tea on the day.
STUDENT VOICE have also decided to link the Biggest Morning Tea to a CRAZY HAIR DAY and all students can bring a gold coin donation on the day.
We are asking that Families and Staff donate online using the following link – PLEASE support us at:
Feel free to share this link with family and friends – we want to make 2024 the Biggest Morning Tea ARPS has ever had!
Thank you to the staff and families who have already donated!