Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

Over recent weeks, our Prep/1/2 students have been learning about dinosaurs and pre-historic creatures through integrated project work.  This has included learning about some of

their features, where and how they lived and what they ate.  They have completed comprison activities with familiar objects, such as how many trucks their dinosaur weighs and how many of them would fit along the length of their dinosaur.  After creating their own fossilised 'pasta' dinosaurs, this week they became palaeontologists and set off on an archaeological dig of the sandpit!  Next week, they will be using some of these activities as a basis for instructional writing.

Many thanks to Lucy Vardy, who has been busy working in the garden with our year 3/4 students.   This term, the students have been busy weeding, watering and preparing the gardens for winter.  

Today is ES Day and an opportunity to acknowledge and thank all our Education Support staff for the incredible work they do to assist our students, teachers and school as a whole.  Our ES play a critical role in our school and we really appreciate all that they do.

Tomorrow, students in Prep-6 will travel by bus to the Tawonga Park for the annual Cross-Country run.  The event will commence at 11.30am and will finish by 1pm.  Parents are welcome to attend and cheer on the runners and should plan to be there by 11:20am. 

Next week, students in Years 5 & 6 will head off to Wilson's Prom Camp.  A reminder to parents that the bus will leave at 8am on Tuesday morning, so students need to arrive at school by 7.45am.


This term's Parent Teacher meetings will be held from the 27th - 30th May, with times subject to teacher availability.  Bookings may now be made using the conference function on Compass, and we encourage all families to make a time to meet with your child's teacher.  If you require assistance with making a booking, please contact the office.


CSEF applications will soon close on June 28th.  Please see the link below for the form and the criteria requirements. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:

school camps or trips swimming and school-organised sport programs, outdoor education programs, excursions and incursions graduations.  Please hand your form in to the Office.


Commencing Monday 27th May, students in Years 4-6 will have the opportunity to participate in the annual Student Attitudes to School survey.  Information about this survey has been sent home to families.  If you do not wish for your child to participate, please contact the school by Friday 24th May.