Year 3

Year 3 has had a busy start to Term 2 with the grade Spelling Bee, the grade CWA speak off and an Excursion to Dubbo Zoo


On Wednesday 1st of May, some students elected to participate in the grade spelling bee to be selected to represent Catherine McAuley. All students were respectful and supportive of their classmates during this process. Congratulations to all the students who took part! Special mention to Alex Thomas who was selected to move through.


At the end of Term 1 Year 3 wrote speeches to present to their classes during Week 1. After all students had presented their speech to their class, seven students out of the grade were selected to participate in a grade speak-off to see who would be selected to represent Catherine McAuley as part of the CWA speeches. Congratulations to all the students for presenting their speech to their classmates and to the seven students who spoke in front of the grade! Special mention to Liam Eaton who was selected to move through.


Finally, on Friday 3rd of May, Year 3 travelled to Dubbo to visit the Western Plains Taronga Zoo as part of our learning in History and Science. All students were beautifully behaved on the excursion. The students participated in a guided tour and visited many animals along the way, they were even lucky enough to watch the tiger get fed. Thank you to Mrs Cain for accompanying the Year 3 teachers on the excursion.