Classroom & Curriculum News

School Assembly Friday  

Congratulations to our Student Award recipients.

Happy Birthday to all students who turned a year older.


Prep Classroom News

What a busy and productive term we have been having.  The students have continued their amazing learning.  We enjoyed the excursion to the Werribee Zoo where we had the opportunity to take a trip on the Safari bus and see the animals up close. We were also immersed in what was needed to take care of a remote African village.   In Religion, as part of our special places to pray, we created a class prayer cloth where we added our names and drawings symbolising what prayer means to us.

The preps have also enjoyed being teachers to the other students during our morning assemblies where they have modelled how to pray the Hail Mary with actions.

3/4 Hoop Time

On Wednesday 15th May, some of our 3/4 students attended the Hoop Time event in Werribee. 

Our three teams included the Atoms, Anacondas and Avengers, winning many games throughout the day.

Congratulations to all students who participated and were very supportive of one another.


                                                      BIGGEST MORNING TEA

On Thursday 9th May, we held our 12th Biggest Morning Tea. We generously raised $507  this year from our gold coin donations on the day and via our Cancer Council online donation portal. What an amazing effort by all.

Thank you so much for all your donations for this very worthy cause and we do appreciate all the families who came along to celebrate this day.  Thank you to the students and teachers who dressed up and got into the spirit of the day.

Special thank to Woolies Yarraville for their $100 voucher and to Coles Yarraville for their $50 voucher. Having these vouchers enables us to donate all proceeds to the Cancer Council as we do not have to outlay any money for the milk, biscuits and tea/coffee. It is so wonderful when our local community supports us and we say thank you.

We appreciate everyone for coming along and we hope that 2025 will be even bigger.

Many thanks,

Michele and Olivia 



3/4 IMAX and Melbourne Museum Excursion

On Friday 17th May the Year 3/4 students went to visit the Melbourne Museum and explored 2 exhibitions called Dynamic Earth and 600 Million Years. Here we saw lots of fossils, minerals and gems and learnt about the Earth. After lunch we went to watch the IMAX feature movie called Extreme Weather. This movie emmersed us in virtual extreme weather conditions like a tornado, flood, fire and extreme cold. It was great to see up close what these extreme weather conditions are really like. 

We would like to sincerely thank Evonne (Heidi's mum) , Jenna (Yorke's mum), 

Kimberely (Vedder's mum), Sonia (Alex's mum), Rosie (Jimmy C's mum), 

Anthea (Alastair's mum), Mounica (Aarvin's mum) and Zoe (James N's mum)  for coming along to help us on this excursion. We loved having you come with us and appreciate you giving us your time.


1/2 Assembly:

Last week the Year 1/2's had the opportunity to host the school assembly. We were lucky to have a special guest speaker come as well. His name was Sam, and he was from Farmers Pick. Farmers Pickis a company whose main goal is to promote healthy, and environmentally sustainable eating by giving us the opportunity to access different fruits and vegetables that we would never usually try. Sam spoke about the program, and its impact across Australia, and how they are trying to combat food waste. He also spoke about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables that are in season, and how we need to support our Farmers as well by buying these products. He even brought in a box of fruit and vegetables, which the students were able to present to the school. Sam was very informative, and we feel extremely lucky that we were able to have him at our Assembly.


A reminder families can order boxes through the fundraising initiative 'Feed Our School'

Not only does the initiative raise much needed funds for schools, but it also provides parents with a cost effective and convenient source of farm fresh fruit and veggies and educates young students on the importance of food waste reduction. Place orders via: 


Junior Swimming

We have thoroughly enjoyed the first 2 days of swimming and look forward to the next few weeks of it on Thursdays & Fridays. We have loved catching the train and waving to the train drivers as they pass us by at the stations. Playing little games and having a laugh and a chat on the train has been very enjoyable so far.  We thank all the parent helpers so far and thank those who will continue to volunteer and help us over the next few weeks of swimming. We were even lucky enough to see the old steam train travelling from Ballarat! 



Scholastic Book Club was handed out this week


Can all orders please be placed by:    FRIDAY 7th June