Faith News

School & Parish Connections

St. Augustine's School Prayer

Our Father in Heaven,

Look over and bless St. Augustine’s while we are working and playing.

Help us to respect and care for each other as you taught us to.

Give us the opportunity to do our best for you each day.

We look forward to being able to share our lives with our friends and families.

Keep us safe and give us the courage to be

people who want to know you more.                    Amen.


        Prayer for the Week 

Pentecost Sunday

Last Sunday was the Feast of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was sent to empower the Disciples to carry on the mission of spreading the Gospel to the world once Jesus had returned to Heaven. It is this same spirit that is given to us through the Sacrament of Confirmation.


Prayer to the Holy Spirit


Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.

And kindle in them the fire of your love.

Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.

And you will renew the face of the earth.


Holy Spirit, Who proceeds from the Father and the Son, enter our hearts. Holy Spirit, Who is equal to the Father and the Son, enter our hearts.


Promise of God the Father, have mercy on us.

Ray of heavenly light, have mercy on us.

Author of all good, have mercy on us.

Source of heavenly water Consuming fire, have mercy on us.

Ardent charity, have mercy on us.

Spiritual unction, have mercy on us.

Spirit of love and truth, have mercy on us.

Spirit of wisdom and understanding, have mercy on us.

Spirit of counsel and fortitude, have mercy on us.

Spirit of knowledge and piety, have mercy on us.

Spirit of the fear of the Lord, have mercy on us.

Spirit of grace and prayer, have mercy on us.

Spirit of peace and meekness, have mercy on us.

Spirit of modesty and innocence, have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit, the Comforter, have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier, have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit, Who governs the Church, have mercy on us.

Gift of God, the Most High, have mercy on us.

Spirit Who fillest the universe, have mercy on us.

Spirit of the adoption of the children of God, have mercy on us.



by the light of the Holy Spirit

you have taught the hearts of your faithful.

In the same Spirit

help us to relish what is right

and always rejoice in your consolation.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.





School and Class Mass Roster

Please see below the Class and School Mass Roster for 2024. All families are welcomed and encouraged to join us at both school and class masses.



                                                  2024 Reconciliation Sacramental Meeting

On Wednesday May 8th we held our first Sacramental Meeting for 2024.

We warmly welcomed Denise Arnel, as a new guest speaker for this year. 

Denise spoke about the JOY of this sacrament and to celebrate the gift of forgiveness.

The families and students were engaged in discussions and reflections on the significance of Reconciliation and Firgiveness. The gathering provided a sacred space for all  the students to prepare for their First Reconciliation, fostering a deeper understanding of forgiveness and spiritual renewal using the scripture of The Unforgiving Servant.


It was lovely to also welcome Fr Werner who joined us for his first sacrament meeting at 

St Augustine's. We look forward to a beautiful night when our students make their 

First Reconciliation on Wednesday 5th June at 7pm.


Please keep these school and parish students in your prayers as they continue to prepare for this very special sacrament.


Yorke Chia                  Chloe Collinson              Matthew D’Amato      Frederick Dohrmann      

Rory Fish                     Willian Hesse                 Violet Hesse                    Alex Kohli                     

Isaac La Torre          Tate Lewis                        Oscar Maltar                Oscar Moroney       

Tilly Nemer               Adriel Tolentino             Nora Vu                           Teddy Young


Winter Warm Up Appeal 2024

This year we are collecting: Non perishable foods :  tinned food, pasta, 

Cuppa soup, noodles, rice, pasta sauce, crackers, and 

NEWclothing/bedding items for winter like scarves, socks, gloves, blankets, beanies


All these items will be donated to St Vincent de Paul and be distributed to the needy in our community.

If each child could bring 1 (or more) items that would be wonderful as we want to fill the cupboards for the St Augustine’s Vinnies Team 

Donations will be given to the Vinnies Team on Thursday 6th June at the 

Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass.

Please have all items at school by Wednesday 5th June.

Collection tubs will be located in classrooms and in the Office Foyer.

We thank you and your family for supporting this wonderful charity during the winter months. All donations will be greatly appreciated.







Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults : RCIA Program

At St Augustine’s, Corpus Christi and Annunciation Parish we welcome people who are searching for spiritual meaning in their lives or for adeeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. The RCIA is a process of reflection and learning for those who are not baptised and wanting to find out more about Catholic faith and forthose already baptised in another Christian tradition who now desire to further their faith journey with the Catholic Church. A new group is beginning their journey in May 2024 and you are welcome to join us.

Please contact Fr Werner if you are interested for further details. OR 9314 7710

All Parishioners can help! Perhaps you know someone who is asking questions about faith or about becoming Catholic, you might like to invite them to contact Fr Werner and accompany them in finding out a bit more about what Catholics believe, how we celebrate our faith and live our lives.

St. Augustine's Parish Mass Times

Saturday 5.00 pm

Sunday 8.00 am at Annunciation, Brooklyn

                9.30 am

                10.30 am (Italian)

                11.00 am at Corpus Christi, Kingsville

                 11.30 am (Polish)

Tuesdays  6.00pm

Thursdays 9.00 am

Use the above link to access the parish website.