From The Principal

Dear parents, students, families and friends,
We have come to the end of yet another fortnight and we are also half way through Term 2.
Student Initiated Events
I have had a couple of meetings with our School Captains and SRC. The SRC have also been meeting with Miss Paglianiti and Miss Tara to discuss Wellbeing topics and ideas. The Sports Captains have been meeting with Miss Maher and Miss Marissa to discuss and plan sporting events, games and activities. Some of the upcoming evnts for this Term will be:
- Mad Monday Dress Up Days to make Mondays fun and exciting. These will be on Monday 27th May (Decades 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s) and Monday 17th June (Pjs & Onesies).
- Art Club - Tuesday lunchtimes in the Library
- Book Club - Wednesday lunchtimes in the Library
- Year 5/6 Winter Sleep Out
- Sausage Sizzle Lunch - Thursday 27th June
- Whoever wins the Footy Tipping this year gets to have the whole school wear that team colour
- Pie Day/Footy Day - 13th September
The teachers are currently working hard to prepare the Semester 1 Reports. This year we have made a change to the report format to make it easier to read and interpret.
For each subject area you will see:
- An Overview of the curriculum covered during Semester 1
- Overall Student Achievement and Progress on a Five point scale
- Content descriptors of skills and knowledge on a Five point scale
The final page of the report will contain a general comment of your child’s overall performance. It will also provide a summary of attendance and their behaviour and effort.
We have completed the first week of our swimming program. The Prep to Year 4 students all took to the water like ducks, with excitement and enthusiasm. There was just as much excitement about travelling by train as there was for swimming.
A reminder that students from Prep to year 4 can wear their sports uniform on Thursday and Friday while participating in the swimming program.
WinterSleep Out
The Year 5/6 Winter Sleep Out is coming up on Friday 7th June. The purpose of this event is to walk in the shoes of others and experience in part what it might be like to be homeless. It coincides with the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal and the Feast of the Sacred of Jesus. This feast day has a long tradition of Catholic Communities gathering hampers of food and warm clothing to donate to those that are less fortunate than ourselves, especially those that are homeless.
Winter Months
As we move into winter we need to be mindful of coughs, colds, the flu and even Covid. Teachers will be reminding and encouraging students to use tissues, to cover their mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing and to wash or sanitise their hands after doing so. If your child is unwell, please take them to a doctor and keep them home until they are well enough (the infection has cleared) to return.
NCCD Information for Parents
Our Annual Clour House Athletics Carnival will be held this Wednesday 29th May at Newport Athletics Track. We are still in need of parent helpers. If you are able to assist, please let the office know by the end of Monday.
Don't forget, Mad Monday Dress Up Day this Monday 27th May. Come dressed in clothing from the Decades - 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s.
Next Parent Committee Meeting is Tuesday 4th June at 6.00pm Online. An invite link will be sent to all families prior to the meeting.
Kind regards,
Matthew Stead