Uniform Reminder
As we enter the cooler period of the year and the UV is not such an issue, students will no longer be required to wear their hats outside. Our SunSmart period will recommence at the beginning of September. This is a good chance for those hats to have a good wash and be stored until the end of Term 3. L.P.S Beanies are available to purchase at PSW.
Another part of our school uniform policy that requires attention at the moment is the need to wear black shoes (either runners or school shoes) when at school. The only exception is on the days when your child has P.E. The school Dress Code Policy can be viewed here.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation with this.
Second-hand uniform - We are still taking donations of second-hand uniform and we will be conducting a stall at the end of term, so keep an eye on Compass and the newsletter for a date for our sale.
Any donations are greatly appreciated. Please drop off your donations to the office.
Lost Property - Our lost property is overflowing again. Please check our lost property table in the Admin Building.
Please ensure your child’s belongings are clearly named!