Welcome to the Wellbeing Page. This page will be a regular feature of the newsletter that has information, links and support to assist with the social and emotional learning of our students.
We are fortunate in Ballarat to have a vast array of allied health services available for us all to access support and advice when we need it. Right on our doorstep in Lucas we have Ballarat Community Health who provide support for a whole range of needs including Mental Health and Wellbeing. You can access more information about Ballarat Community Health including book appointments online at https://bchc.org.au/. Alternatively, give them a call on 03 5338 4500.
Another great place to find supports is through the Ballarat Family Relationship Centre who work in conjunction with Catholic Care Ballarat. You can find out more at https://www.catholiccarevic.org.au/directory/locations/ballarat-head-office . Attached is the current Program and Services Guide which has a range of opportunities for families and individuals to seek support.