Careers and Pathways

In the lead up to course selection for next year, students have been given opportunities to gain insights and information to assist with their subject choices and possible future pathways.
Recently Year 9 students completed their Morrisby Career profiling with interviews about the results and Year 11 students attended a Careers Expo with tertiary institutions, study and careers options all under one room. The upcoming Work Experience Week gives Year 10 students exposure to work places and roles in those industries.
Careers Expo
Early in May Year 11 students headed off to the Careers Expo taking place in the Melbourne Convention Centre in South Wharf.
It was both overwhelming and exciting just how many universities, pathways and options there were to explore but the representatives were absolutely lovely and guided us through different pathways right for us. We attended seminars from different Universities and won prizes (like bum bags, bucket hats, pens etc) which everyone was pretty happy with.
There was a lot of fun and socialising along with a really valuable and beneficial day full of chatting, laughing and exploring all the different options for the future.
Abby L
Morrisby Careers Advice
Year 9 students had a week of Morrisby Careers meetings.
In April, students completed a series of questionnaires that tested our personality, interests and skills. The results came through and everybody was assigned 30-minute meetings to talk with a professional Morrisby Carrer Adviser. They went through our profiles with us and guided us through how to use the online program. The Adviser also goes over what VCE subjects would be best for you and your future career. Information about jobs are easily accessible and were really interesting to see all of the new jobs that we can be when we are older. This was a really good opportunity for us to do and all of the Morrsiby advisers were so kind and willing to listen.
Brooke S
Year 10 Work Experience Week
Monday 17 to Friday June
Year 10 & 11 Information Night / VCE Subject selecdtion
6pm, Tuesday 25 June