Performing Arts Festival

Earlier this month our annual House Performance event rolled around once more.
After weeks of House rehearsals, there was certainly an anticipatory buzz in the air - as the actual event ran during periods 3 and 4, period 1 and 2 was a chance for all featured performers to rehearse their items and shake off some nerves before the performance. This gave performers the opportunity to have a low pressure rehearsal and fun before the actual event!
As the entire gym was filled with students, it was evident that there was a mixture of excitement and nervousness from performers new and returning, but the overall sentiments of support that exists between featured performers was something that made the day really special.
As presenters for the event, myself and Caitlin Hughes (SRC President) had the honour of welcoming our guest judge Shanon McKenzie, a former MGSC student and College Captain (Class of 2016) with a passion and talent for performing arts, before kickstarting the event with our featured musical items.
There was an extremely high calibre of talent from all musicians but Jackson took home the win for this section with Yolanda singing an incredible vocal solo.
The featured drama acts always bring a smile to everyone’s faces, and this year was no exception. The school witnessed some very unique performances (from three flipping spider men to 20 Elton John clones) but eventually the win was taken by Alizea and Katerina from Mackellar, who returned with their much beloved duo for a fourth year in a row!
Lastly, the dance acts hit the stage. From my experience, this year brought the most energy and excitement within the dances, with all performances being upbeat and engaging to the audience! From aerobics to bollywood to just dance mashups, it was evident how much fun both performers and spectators were having. The win was eventually taken by Zoe from Kenny who performed an incredible jazz solo!
Finally all the massed items rolled around - a chance for students from all year levels to get involved in the performances! This year, a few changes could be seen with some house incorporating live instruments into their performances - all to very impressive measures! The massed items were won by Melba, who sang “I’m Still Standing” by Elton John!
Overall, this day was one that was enjoyed by many. The entertainment never ceased, even the intermissions were kept upbeat with performances from two student led bands, “Static” and “Blush”! After all the performances wrapped up, Shannon announced that the overall winner for the day was Mackellar, making many students happy with the result!
A big thank you to Ms Wendy Harvey (Director of Performing Arts), and all the teachers and students who contributed to make this day as special as it was - it was incredible for all!
Ella Bennett
Performing Arts Captain
Music performance
Jackson (Yolanda K) & Mackellar (Holly S)
Kenny (Zoe A)
Mackellar (Alizea L and Katerina Z and ensemble)
Overall winner