Student Leadership

Push Up Challenge
Hi everyone
Ava, Claire, Ojas and I (the 2024 House Captains) are super excited to announce that the push up challenge is back this year!!
The push up challenge has become a prominent charity event amongst MGSC the past few years (Caity Hughes inviting the whole school in an SRC fundraiser last year) and we’re so excited that this year’s challenge is going to be the whole school community participating to compete in houses to achieve the most amount of genuine push ups as well as supporting such an important cause.
The next few paragraphs include mental health facts and mentions suicide. Please seek assistance from someone you trust if any of these statistics and facts make you feel uncomfortable or are triggering in any way.
What is the push up challenge?
The push up challenge is a challenge designed to allow people to have fun, learn about mental health and get fit, by completing a certain number of push ups each day, from the 5 to 28 June. This year’s full challenge equals to 3,249 push-ups across the 24 days, the number of people who died in Australia by suicide in 2022.
Each day, you will be given a fact about mental health which correlates with the number of push-ups that you need to do that day. Participants don’t have to only do push ups, any exercise like squats, lunges, sit-ups or even burpees work perfectly. The challenge is as much about learning about mental health as it is doing the exercise. Participants can also choose to complete the full challenge, half challenge (1,625), or team up and split the total between the number of people in your team. You track the number of push ups you've completed each day either on the app or website, and there are rest days so you can recover a little bit!
We would love to have as many students, teachers and parents as we can participating this year, as it is such an important issue to be raising awareness and funds for. Mackellar won last year, so let’s see if they can win two years in a row, or if another house can beat them this year! A note to aerobics students, it is highly encouraged that you sign up so you can strengthen your push ups.
Use this link to join the challenge, and join your house team. Parents- you can choose the house one of/your child is in.
Holly Sweatman (Mackellar House Captain)