Out(door) & about again!

Year 10 Sport Coaching
Mr Hull's Year 10 Sport's Coaching class developed and conducted games/activities for the Yarrabah School students with a disability. The class visited the school on the 23 May. The aim of the session is to develop confidence in a coaching role and to increase awareness of people with disabilities.
Mr Phil Hull
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Year 9 Outdoor Education
Adventure activities, physical challenges, flora and fauna discoveries, sea and sand scapes, immersion in nature and delighting in the outdoors. All part of an Outdoor Education semester.
Tree Climb - Belgrave Trees Adventure Park
Stand Up Paddle Boarding at Mentone beach
Day hike at Mornington Peninsula National Park
Ms Taylah McConachy
Outdoor Education Coordinator
Year 10 Outdoor Education - Rock Stars
This class experienced indoor and outdoor rock climbing.
A trip to Hard Rock in the CBD included exploring the secret spaces in the Kings' Domain. The You Yangs offered rock faces and views to further develop skills. Together the excursions offered comparisions between man-made and natural enviornments
Year 11 Physical Education
The VCE Units 1 & 2 Physical Education class had the opportunity of touring the Victorian Institute of Sport (VIS) facility in Albert Park.
Australian athlete, Tom Afonczenko, who competed in taekwondo, lead the VIS tour and showed us the facilities that are available for all our Victorian athletes in the lead up to the Olympics later this year in Paris. Students were shown the many careers available in the world of sport and had the opportunity to use some of the equipment in the facility. A great experience and awesome to see some of the athletes using the facility!
Ms Justine Bowers
Health, Wellbeing & Respectful Relationships Learning Specialist
Health & Physical Education Domain Leader