Around the classrooms

Year 9/10 Hip Hop Incursion
Year 9 and 10 Dance Styles and Choreography class had a Hip Hop choreographer come in and teach us two routines and about expressing yourself through dance. I'm sure this was a new experience for a lot of us, but it was very memorable and enjoyable. It was energetic, a whole lot of fun and a knowledgeable experience to remember.
Harini V (Year 9
Year 7 Science
This term in Science, the Year 7s have been learning about particle separation, mixtures and solutions and how to separate substances from liquids. These lessons have been a mix of origins/history of vocabulary, how we can use separation skills in the future and our personal favourite; “Hands on experiments”, also known as a PRAC, where we have the opportunity to test out the methods we’ve learned. Lastly we write a scientific conclusion about what we have learned and why it is significant. Our learning in class is also supported by our homework, which further extends our knowledge and fluency on the topic. We use tools such as Education Perfect and “Glossary words” which are words we are required to research.
These lessons lead up to our Common Assessment Task (CAT) for term two, we are tested on the knowledge we have learnt and the terminology used, we then write a conclusion and recap what we’ve done that term.
This semester we have thoroughly enjoyed science and we are proud to have such an intellectual and creative network for science at MGSC, which nurtures individuality and helps create a safe space in class. Thank you to all the science teachers who have helped make our science experience the best it can be.
Gemma O and Grace B 7H