Senior School News

The end of semester is fast approaching. We are impressed with how the students are focussing on their exam revision and current SACs. Last week the Year 12 students participated in a guided meditation to have a moment to bring a sense of calm, peace and balance to their busy day. It is important that students are looking after themselves; getting adequate sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, participating in regular exercise and finding time to do something they love!
Year 11 Exams
The Year 11 (Unit 1 & 3) exam period starts next Friday 31 May and runs through to Friday 7 June. All Unit 1 Subjects will have an exam and it is expected that all students will attend their exams unless they are unwell and have a medical certificate. Students should use these exams to practice revision skills and reflect on what revision techniques work best for them. This is a good learning opportunity in preparation for Year 12 Exams.
Changing Subjects - Year 11
Year 11 students are able to now consider changing their Unit two subjects for 2024. The students have been emailed the process which includes a strict closing date for their application of Friday 7 June. We ask that parents/guardians sign the form once it has been completed. We cannot guarantee that their new subject request will be met, but we will do our best. Changes will not be made until the end of the exam period as it is expected that all students will attend their exams unless they are unwell and have a medical certificate.
All students who are enrolled in one or more VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3–4 sequence, are expected to complete Sections A and B of the GAT. This is held on Tuesday 18 June. The GAT has two sections:
All students completing the GAT will have a familiaristaion session to ensure they understand the format and tasks required of them. No special study is needed for the GAT, however students can view sample questions and past GAT papers on the VCAA website. For more information on the GAT, please click on the link.
There are no Year 11 or 12 classes running on the day of the GAT. Students are allowed to wear casual clothes. We encourage students to wear warm clothes as most students are sitting the GAT in the Gym.
VCE - Attendance
VCE attendance emails are sent once a month to students who have accumulated some absences from school. This is a reminder that for students to be eligible to pass a Unit, they are permitted to have no more than 5 unapproved absences and 5 approved absences. Unapproved absences include unexplained, parent choice, family holidays, illness in excess of 5 days without a medical certificate and school activities in excess of approved absences. As long as a student’s total approved and unapproved absences do not exceed 10 of the total class time of the Unit, the student is eligible to pass the Unit.
Approved absences include dental, psychologist or psychiatrist appointments, illness, counselling, absence at school sporting events (representation in two sports are approved, Year 11 students may coach a school team as one sport), and school excursions/incursions. The VCE office may be contacted to consider approval for other educational activities and for significant personal circumstances, such as bereavement. You can monitor your child’s attendance via Compass.
Teacher shout out
Last week we asked the Year 11 and 12 students to give a “shout out” to their teachers and tell us why they think they are doing a great job in the classroom. Below is a “wordle” of their responses:
Emma Holman
Director of Senior School