Command Terms for Improving Literacy

Creating Futures Together


To be able to identify components/elements of a concept or object and the significance of the relationship between them. A high quality response will also address how and why these relationships exist with the ability to relate implications and reasonableness of information.  




To analyse 2 or more objects or concepts so as to be able to recognise the similarities and differences between them. High quality responses also include the significance of these factors when considering their qualities. 





To accurately define the characteristics, features and qualities of a given topic. These topics could include: concepts, opinions, situations, events, processes, arguments, experiments, artworks, or even artefacts. 




This command term has multiple meanings. Usually it can be asking you to make a judgment using the information given. 


In Maths and Science it can typically mean to accurately gauge the value or amount of an object or concept. 


In other subjects such as English and History, it can be asking you to make a judgement using information and/or your own knowledge to consider a logical argument and/or supporting evidence for and against arguments, concepts, processes, opinions or ideas.