Creating Futures Together

Year 10 students commenced their ‘pathway’ lessons last week during their Wednesday Learning & Wellbeing class.  Students have been provided with a numbers of pathway planning activities aimed at building their knowledge and understanding of their strengths/interests, Senior School options available and possible subjects they could consider for selection which support their future goals/aspirations.    


Choosing subjects and courses may be one of the first career decisions students make.  We strongly encourage all students to work through these career planning activities so that they can make well informed decisions. Upon completion of their career investigations students must complete their Career Action Plan (CAP) via their student account on the school’s Career Website.  The CAPs will be referred to during the one to one course counselling session in term 3 and subject preferences will be accepted based on the CAP information entered.  


Making these program/subject selection decisions may seem challenging however the process can be made easier by asking the following questions: 

  • What subjects do I want to study in Year 11 & 12 for the career I want? 
  • Do I want to study VCE, VCE VM or VET? 
  • What training should I do? eg. a course at University, TAFE/private provider or an Australian Apprenticeship 
  • What University, TAFE or private provider/college should I attend? 
  • What job opportunities will it open up? 
  • What apprenticeship are available and where could I learn more in order to make an informed decision as to which one to choose? 

Year 11 & 12 subject choices are very important as many post school training courses and careers have mandatory entry requirements.  Although it’s important to choose the subjects necessary to be eligible for your desired career/course, it’s even more important to ensure that subjects chosen match student’s interests and strengths.   


As students work through career development activities in class they are asked to think about what they want to do, where their interests lie and what career research they need to undertake in order to make informed subject/career choices.  Students have also been strongly encouraged to draw on their Morrisby Profile to gain further insights into possible subjects that relate to their career interest areas. 


Students and families will gain insights into the VCE subject selection process during the VCE Information Night on 17th July.  Students will also be provided with a copy of the Senior Secondary School Pathways Guide- Your World. Your VCE. on Friday 21st June which provides further information into Senior School Programs.  I also encourage students to visit the following page on the VTAC website that talks specifically about ‘how to choose subjects” – Click HERE 


We wish all year 10 students a positive experience with their decision making and as a school community we look forward to supporting their career aspirations. 


Voula Jakubicki 

Careers Coordinator