Le Mans Go-Karting – He’s going the distance. 

Creating Futures Together

Le Mans Go-Karting – He’s going the distance. 


At the fastest track in Victoria, Year 11 VM ventured to the Le-Mans go-karting track in Dandenong. On arrival they warmed up on the Daytona games in the arcade and then got onto the track shortly after, pumped and ready to fire. The first race began………….. 


‘Reluctantly crouched at the starting line, engines pumping and thumping in time.  

The green light flashes, the flags go up, churning and burning they yearn for the cup.  

They deftly maneuver and muscle for rank, fuel burning fast on an empty tank.  

Reckless and wild, they pour through the turns, their prowess is potent and secretly stern.’ 


The students were all pushing the limits on their second race. Wheels screeching, engines roaring. Jamie’s 37 seconds was the best of the group, but everyone improved their times overall. 


Once again, the students were respectful to others at the venue and they listened extremely well to the rules and instructions when they were given. On the way home the students were already planning their next adventure. A big thank you also goes to our wonderful bus driver, Mr Raulin who was happy to show us the sights and sounds of Dandenong. 


Andrew Steele 

(Learning Specialist)