Principal's Team Report

Creating Futures Together

Last week I had the pleasure to view with our Department Koorie Engagement Support Officer, (KESO) Mark Lumley, the presentations produced by our Year 9 RISE class of their Aboriginal Cross Curricular Project. Using the Design Thinking process, students worked in teams to create an Acknowledgement to Country that is unique to Wheelers Hill. The second part of their task was to create an Indigenous Garden design outside the Science block. The purpose was to acknowledge our school values and to create a beautiful space that highlights our respect for our First Nations  culture by using natural elements and native flora. Each team created a diorama of their design which was the centerpiece of their pitch to Mark and myself.

The quality of the students research and the genuine intent of the students to create something beautiful and unique was so impressive. The winning design will be announced at our assembly next term. 


Special mention must be given to Khairi Razaai, our Marrung Leader, who has led the team of our wonderful teachers who have facilitated this curriculum project for our students.

The end of year exam cycle for our students sitting has begun with the sitting of the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Tuesday 18th June. This includes any student sitting a Unit 3 and 4 exams at the end of the year. All students will receive their end of semester report at the end of term. Although scored assessments are of course important, we hope that families pay close attention to our Success Criteria Rubric. How students approach their learning and work in partnership with their families and teachers is so important to their future success in life. The Habits of Learning that they develop have such a powerful influence on the adult they will become.

What can I say but ‘Mamma Mia’ It was simply fantastic! Our College Production plays such an important role in the lives of so many of our students and our staff. It is a testament to our Creativity, Respect and Excellence. A huge thank you to our families who have supported the school and in particular to our Production team, led by Mikayla Ellis. Their commitment, drive and passion for supporting our students makes it all happen. Both our local and federal members of Parliament attended our Production Community Celebration Event. They were both incredibly impressed.


Our International Program continues to grow. The renovations to our new International Centre are complete so we now have a fully functional classroom space which will accommodate our Intensive English Program which we will trial for 6 months period for enrolled students.

Congratulations to Jeremy Woods who is now a Substantive Assistant Principal. He is a wonderful individual, educator and  asset to the College. 


Semester Reports will be published at the end of term. We all know that assessment data is important, but the Success Criteria also provides families with critical insight into how your child is progressing at school. Please spend time with your child to work through the evidence together. A major factor that severely impedes student progress is absence from school. The greater the frequency of absence the greater the breakdown in school connectedness, friendship and learning. Literacy and particularly Numeracy skills that are essential to life beyond school.

Please continue to reach out to us if your child is experiencing chronic absenteeism and we will work through together.


We welcome some new staff to the College at the start of Term Three which is great news for our community.


It has been a huge term, and we wish everyone a safe and happy break as the June 28th approaches.


Take care, 


Fern Brisbane

WHSC Principal