Box Hill North Kindergarten would like to announce that we received our Assessment and Rating result as 

"Exceeding in the National Quality Standards!"

Box Hill North Primary Kindergarten has been rated as Exceeding National Quality Standards.  The service and leadership team is acknowledged for their consistent efforts in creating a positive work environment that has led to the delivery of high-quality educational programs and care for children. The services focus on developing genuine relationships with families, provided a culture of consultation, collaboration, and inclusion of all children and families at the service. 


The service curriculum was shaped by decisions informed by the practice and principles of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework and the Early Years Learning Framework, as well as the service philosophy. Educators consistently reviewed, reflected, and challenged their ways of documenting children’s learning to ensure that the service provided quality programs and improved outcomes for children. The leadership team promoted a culture of critical reflection within the service, leading to each educator engaging in critical reflections focused on the delivery of the program and practice. Strong connections to Box Hill Primary School enhanced the quality of learning for each child. 


Educators viewed each child as competent and capable learners, and valued children’s voices and decision-making within the program. Educators’ positive relationships with children contributed to children’s belonging within the service. Educators consistently engaged with children with enthusiasm and respect, during one-on-one and small group play. The service's strong emphasis on supporting children’s emotional wellbeing and promoting positive relationships between children was consistently embedded within the program. Using the four zones of regulation, bucket filling and the kindness tree supported children’s understanding of the impacts of their actions and supported children in navigating emotions and strategies to support. Educators consistently role-modelled positive ways of moving children through conflict situations that supported children’s emotional wellbeing. 


The service values family feedback, which has led to changes within the service’s curriculum and environment to support children and families' cultural inclusion. Their strong partnership with the school has supported children’s transition to school, including regular visits to classrooms and the library, buddy systems, visits from school students, and group social events such as the school Mother’s Day stall. Families were invited to be on the school's parent committee, which supported decision-making on service operations and provided a connection between both services. The service's strong focus on inclusiveness for all cultures and connections with the school has led to a Japanese language program run by the school language teacher. The program is held twice a week and supports children and families' sense of belonging within the program.


A huge congratulation to all the Teachers and Educators in the kindergarten who put so much effort, time and passion into achieving this amazing result!