A week in review- 

A reflection by Ains 

Acting Principal's Report

We have seen success this week in many facets of Box Hill North.


Please read further to learn about our BHN Kindergarten, our building upgrades, our subcommittees, and how our students connect with neighbouring schools and kindergartens.  


Our Kinder – Exceeding National Standards 

A couple of weeks ago, our kindergarten undertook its review. The results came back yesterday, and it is with great excitement that our Box Hill North Primary Kindergarten has been rated as Exceeding National Quality Standards, the highest result a kindergarten provider can receive. This achievement is a testament to the collective efforts of our service and its kindergarten team, who have consistently created a positive work environment and delivered high-quality educational programs and care for children. Their focus on developing genuine relationships with families and providing a culture of consultation, collaboration, and inclusion of all children and families at the service has been instrumental in this success.


This paragraph above is just one of many positive comments shared with the kindergarten team on the success of their three and four-year-old kindergarten programs. To the Kindergarten team of Jemma, Charlotte, Sharon, Narelle, Amy, Amanda, Kelly and Alex – CONGRATULATIONS on a brilliant and well-deserved achievement.


Building Upgrade 

As many of you would have noticed, we have been working on upgrading our school. The team of painters has given our administration and Year 3/4 building a fresh new look, which we hope will invigorate our learning environment. We are excited about the ongoing improvements and the positive impact they will have on our school community.  Big thanks to Trish who has worked tirelessly securing grants and trades for this! 

On that note, our BAGs (Building and Grounds) team plays a crucial role in maintaining and improving our school's physical environment. Our focus is on enhancing both the inside and outside of the school – the buildings and grounds. These tasks are most often completed in working bees after school or on weekends. If you want to join the BAGS team, please add your details here to get in touch with either Simon or Ross the Building and Grounds conveners . Alternatively, if you wish to help out for a one-off or even have an hour one working bee, that would be greatly appreciated too. Every little bit of assistance, time, and effort that goes into the buildings and grounds in the kindergarten and the school significantly impacts how we treat our school, as well as how people coming in and having a look as prospective parents also view our school.


Committees at Work  

This week, I had the pleasure of working with two of our subcommittees: the Parent and Friends Association (PFA) and the Branding Committee. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to both teams for their unwavering commitment and focus on improving Box Hill North. Your dedication is truly appreciated and valued.


To the PFA, thank you for your diligent work in organising activities and events that have successfully raised funds for our school, improving our resources for all to use. Your efforts in exploring new food choices for our students to enjoy on a Friday lunchtime from the canteen have also been commendable. It was particularly great to see the committee's focus on designing events that place students at the heart of they do. Collecting qualitative data regarding students' choice of food for the canteen and incorporating their voices when making a change is a testament to your commitment to inclusivity and improvement.


To the Branding Committee, it was great to work on our purpose and start looking at how we can communicate who we are at BHN and what makes us a kindergarten and school of choice for many. It is exciting to work with a team that aims to promote the voice of the school to the broader community. Building a brand and communicating this will also be incredibly rewarding. So, if you would like to get our BHN name out into the community, please join the Branding Committee. You can attend our next meeting on Monday, 17th June, from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm.


State School Spectacular Update 

On Tuesday, Emma, our Year 3/4 team leader and Kim, our Performing Arts teacher, took our Year 5/6 State School Spectacular Team to Mont Albert Primary School. The students had a fantastic time connecting with friends and fellow dancers from other local schools, and they once again showcased their flair and personality on the dance floor. Our students worked as one to learn new choreography, as well as practising moves to songs they had previously mastered in earlier practices. Their dedication and teamwork were truly inspiring.


To our State School Spectacular Team – enjoy spending time with one another as a team and keep sharing the great dance moves with fellow peers when you return to school and with our community at Assemblies. 


Kim, our new Performing Arts teacher, said this about our Box Hill North dancers.

On Tuesday, 4th June, the state school performers attended the school's spectacular rehearsal. The students had a fabulous time finalizing their routines and perfecting the choreography. It was a successful day, filled with fun, energy, and making memories that will last a lifetime. I was very proud to be part of the event. I look forward to the upcoming rehearsals and shows. - Kim Pearce 

Students at Local Kindergarten  

Each fortnight, Mie-Mie our Foundation team leader takes a group of Box Hill North student leaders to a neighbouring kindergarten for a reading session. These sessions entail our Year 4/5/6 leaders engaging kinder-aged students with a love of learning through enjoying and appreciating picture books. We are proud to share that each fortnight, we receive positive feedback from that week's kindergarten, praising our students' enthusiasm, patience, and love for reading. The neighbouring kindergartens also pass on their thank yous and a message of gratitude and affirmation regarding the confidence and pride the students take in connecting with their students and the professionalism of the educators accompanying our students. Thank you to our student leaders and our junior teachers for making these sessions a success. Thanks Mrs K teacher of 1/2C for accompanying Mie-Mie and our senior leaders this week. 


As we wrap up this week's newsletter, I want to express my gratitude to all our students, teachers, and staff for their hard work and dedication. I hope you all have had as much of a successful week as we have at Box Hill North. Let's continue to strive for excellence and celebrate our collective achievements. 

