Student Gallery

More photos from this afternoon's Education Week celebrations.
Session 3 at the John Monash Science School
Charlie Silly Pants entertained our Year 2 students last week.
Year 2 students had a great day at the Police Academy.
Our Year 3 and 4 students finished their swimming lessons last week.
Students across the school participated in National Simultaneous Storytime and read the book 'Bowerbird Blues' by Aura Parker.
Pentominoes game - Year 5 problem solving with their Tetris skills.
Year 5 Economics unit students had to pretend they were running a country and decide together what was a 'need' or a 'want' regarding medical care, food, clean drinking water and other resources. They then had to make cutbacks as a group before completing a final round of cutbacks. Students then compared their results with another group.