Church News 

Kylie Koelman 


Everyone is welcome to join us on Sunday morning for worship. Worship times are 8:30am for a Traditional Service and 10:00am for a more Contemporary service with Godly Play on offer for primary school aged children. Tea and Coffee and a time of gathering is held most weeks after both worship services. On the first Sunday of the month, we join together in one service, with a blended style of worship. 


This Sunday in the Church year is Pentecost and the end of the Easter season.  Pentecost is a festival that celebrates how the Holy Spirit comes to help us to believe in God, to know him and to live as God’s children.  The Bible tells of how all believers in Jesus were gathered in one place, when the sound of a rushing wind filled the room and flames touched everyone there, filling them with the Holy Spirit and the knowledge of Jesus and all his goodness and allowing them to speak in different languages.


The Holy Spirit is commonly represented in pictures as a dove (during the Baptism of Jesus, the Spirit descended like a dove) or as fire, for the flames that rested on the heads of Jesus’ disciples at Pentecost.


This Sunday at the 10am service, the St Paul church community is gifting Bibles for each of this year’s Reception children.  Everyone is welcome to attend and there will be some special activities for children at this time. We pray that through this gift, each child may come to know how much Jesus loves and cares for them.


Playgroup @ St Paul is on each Tuesday during term time in the Hall for children aged 0-5 and a parent/caregiver.  Playgroup runs from 9:00-10:30am, but we welcome people anytime from 8:30am onwards to help set up. Join us for a coffee, playtime, story time and songs from 9:00-10:30am each week during school terms. Cost is $2 per family.  

This week, we made peg-leg giraffes at the craft table and found the plastic jungle animals hiding in the sand tray.

Next week, we will be looking at Kookaburras with the book ‘Jeremy’ by Chris Faille.

For more information about anything playgroup related contact Kylie Koelman in the Church Office on 8262 4690 or email at



St Paul Youth is for school years 6-8 and runs the first and the third Friday evening of the school term. The next date for SPY is this Friday, 17 May at 7pm in the Church Hall.  Cost is $2 per family.  The SPY format is a time of fun and games, some devotional conversations and then a shared supper.  Feel free to come along and join with leaders Dan, Tom and Renate to see what SPY has to offer.  If you have any questions in the meantime, contact Dan Kitson on


This resource is developed by the Lutheran Church of Australia and is intended to be a guide in sharing faith activities with members of your family.

Here are a few ways you could introduce faith discussions in your home and day-to-day life.

This week, the Bible reading tells the story of Pentecost, where the believers of Jesus received the gift of the Holy Spirit.  It is the Holy Spirit that draws us closer to God and teaches us about his love and kindness for all people.


I will pour out my Spirit on all people. (Acts 2:17) 


Mealtime Prayer: 

Faithful God, you give us food when we need it. You open your hands and satisfy us with good things. Praise the Lord!  Amen.



Dear God, breathe your Spirit into our lives and make us new. Amen.



(Child’s name) May God give you his Holy Spirit so that you believe in Jesus.  Amen.