From the Teaching and Learning Deputy

Graham Buxton

Camp learning

Today is a very exciting day as our Year 4 children head off to the first of our school camps for 2024! 


We wish them the very best for this adventure and look forward to hearing all about their experiences when they get back. 


Camps are one of the most amazing learning experiences our children get to experience at St Paul. There are so many opportunities for learning and growth in each camp, that it is a huge period of growth for many children. For some, it is a chance to spend lots of time with friends and they grow in their social and communication skills and develop friendships that will last for many years to come. For others, the experience of being away from home and needing to be more independent sees them grow in confidence and resilience in a way that sets them up for the challenges and opportunities of the older years of primary school, and for high school and beyond. For others, it is the chance to take on challenges they did not think they were capable of, such as the giant rope swing our Year 4 children will be able to attempt on their camp this week. Then there are the Health and Physical Education outcomes from the Australian Curriculum that our children are also addressing through their experiences on camp.


We are thankful for the efforts of our teachers to help these camps come together; for the parent volunteers who come on camps to help make them possible; and for the support and encouragement of all of our families that help children overcome their nerves and make the most of these wonderful learning experiences.