From the Principal

Leila Mattner 

Bible Gifting Worship Service

On Sunday, 19 May, the St Paul Lutheran Church congregation has invited our Reception children and families to join them for worship for Pentecost. During the service, Reception children will be presented with a Bible as a gift from the congregation. All school families are warmly invited to join us at the church on 19 May at 10am.


Staff News and Celebrations

Congratulations to Lucy Bakewell on her wedding to Dylan Lawrence. We look forward to seeing Lucy again from 20 May (Week 4). 

I am pleased to announce the appointment of our new Registrar/Executive Assistant. Laura Azzopardi has been working as an EA and office manager in the civil industry for many years and we are looking forward to her joining us from Monday 3 June (Week 6). My sincere thanks to Jess Deer, Frances, Sherri and Bethany in the Administration team, and Mike Kroon for all of their support during the interim period.