
Exploring Early Childhood

Students are engaging in a unit of work around literacy in early years. As part of this unit students watched Mrs Crockett's amazing read of Thelma the Unicorn to Kindergarten. We discussed how engaging her delivery was and the theme of being yourself. Students have engaged in a literature review on preschool and early years picture books, nursery rhymes and non fiction books. The class has been so lucky to have such a wonderfully resourced library. In the coming weeks students will be creating their own book for a chosen age group. 


Mrs Golden 

Textiles and Design 

After a term of hard work on the Major Textiles Project, many of the elements are starting to come together and students' project ideas are starting to be realised. Some of the techniques include heat manipulation, the use of dissolvable webs, felting, hand embroidery and angelina fibres. The combination of all of these techniques have assisted in the creation of these whimsical dragon wings. The class is also learning about innovative textiles fibres , yarns and fabrics in theory lessons as well as working on the supporting documentation for the Major Textiles Project. 

Mrs Golden 


Year 7 Technology Mandatory

Students needle felted keyrings and bookmarks for term one have gone home. The students created a wide range of key rings including cars, hats and fish. Students worked consistently on these projects and have gained a better understanding of wool fibre characteristics that allow the dry felting process to occur. As part of the textiles unit students have sewn their own aprons to be used in the Food Unit. All students have shown significant growth and have produced functional aprons ready for use in our first Food practical lesson this week. Well done boys. 

Year 8 Technology Mandatory 

Students have been showing excellent progress this term, developing their illustrator files to use on the laser cutter. Students have learnt how to image trace, select colours and draw cut line shapes around images. This week the class has started the coding component where students are learning how to create a flashing coloured light sequence for their LED light box. 

Mrs Golden 


Food Technology 

The Food Technology room was a hive of activity this week as the Stage 5 students completed the practical component of their assessment task; ‘Food For Special Occasions’. Students became party planners to design a themed event by creating party invitations and cakes that reflected their chosen guest of honours interests and hobbies. These students did an extraordinary job and will have bright futures in hospitality if they so choose.