Principal's Address

Winter Uniform

Boorowa Central School’s uniform is strongly supported by our P and C and typically, our standards are exemplary from K-12. The students look great at school, in the community and on excursions when fully dressed in our uniform. Uniform helps to create a sense of belonging, school pride and reduce opportunities for anti-social behaviour. However, this time of year when the weather starts to cool, students start to wear hoodies and other clothing that is not a part of our uniform. Whilst I can appreciate that students want to be warm at school, uniform options are available to address this. Additionally, all rooms have adequate heating.

Our school canteen sells a high quality wind and waterproof blue jacket for $55 which is very durable. Alternatively, school jumpers and all other uniform items are available at Young Embroidery Services (YES).

Boorowa Central School’s winter uniform is below.


Students who choose not the wear full uniform in secondary, including black leather shoes, may be placed on ‘pause point’ and prevented from attending extra-curricular opportunities.

Please support our school by maintaining high expectations of their uniform every day they attend school, or a school event.

If you require assistance in the purchase of uniform items for your child(ren) please contact the school. We are only too happy to help.

South Coast Steer Spectacular success

By now you will have seen or heard about the success of our brand-new Boorowa Central School Show Team. The newly formed team competed in the South Coast Steer Spectacular and came away with many ribbons including Grand Champion led Steer! Please read about this within the newsletter.

Congratulations to all of the students involved and Show Team Teacher Mr McDonald, your dedication to the steers paid off. Boorowa Central is very proud of your efforts and hope you can enjoy further success in the future.

Kindy Start and 6 into 7 Transition

It was great to meet new families, and welcome back existing families, at our annual Kindergarten and Year 7 transition night. It is a very exciting time for children and their parents and I am pleased to be able to offer a high quality, community focused educational option for the families of Boorowa.

If you would like to know more about Kindergarten or Year 7 at Boorowa Central School in 2025, please contact the school.

Year 7, 11 and 12 Parent teacher night

Thank you to the parents who attended our Year 7, 11 and 12 Parent teacher night on Tuesday. Parent Teacher evenings are a great opportunity to meet with your child(ren)’s teachers and to hear how they have been progressing in each subject. It is also helpful in identifying how parents and teachers can work in partnership for the best possible educational outcomes for each individual student.

The next Parent / Teacher afternoon/evening will be early in Term 3 after the Semester 1 reports have been distributed to student from Kindergarten to Year 11. Please join us.

Mis-use of Technology

In recent times I have met with secondary students, and their parents, to discuss student mis-use of technology outside of school. With the rise of social media over the past 15 years, so too has there been a rise in anti-social behaviour in social media and a decrease in the understanding of what is acceptable and what is not.

From a legal point of view, if threats are made in social media or information is shared of a sexual nature of a person under 16 years of age, the person responsible can expect police intervention and possible legal proceedings.

From a Department of Education perspective, as outlined in the behaviour policy, the following is stated in regard to the mis-use of technology outside of school hours:

Student behaviour includes behaviour that occurs:

· outside school hours and off school premises where there is a clear and close connection between the school and students’ conduct

· when using social media, mobile devices and/or other technology involving another student or staff member, where there is a clear and close connection between the school and students’ conduct.


If a student of Boorowa Central School posts derogatory information on a social media platform, which is shared, regarding a staff member of Boorowa Central School, then the school will implement appropriate consequences including suspension. The staff here at Boorowa Central School are dedicated to their roles and work hard to provide a high-quality education for all students. The school will not tolerate derogatory or defamatory information posted about the staff on social media, by a student.

I encourage any student, or parent, who has a concern about the school or its staff to speak to me directly so that an amicable solution can be found for all parties.


Mr Graham Jones
