Parent & Student Matters 

  • From the Assistant Principal, Teaching and Learning
  • Languages
  • Science
  • Maths Drop In 

From the Assistant Principal, Teaching and Learning

Progressive Reporting

In recent years many schools are evolving their reporting methods to increase the amount and efficiency of feedback methods. One such change lies in the assessment and reporting methods employed by schools. Traditionally, students are provided with a semesterised report featuring assessment marks and grades, as well as a comment targeting improvement or recognition of student practice. However, in educational research there is a growing recognition of the limitations of such approaches, leading to the adoption of progressive reporting methods. Progressive reporting offers increased feedback and a comprehensive view of student progress, hopefully, leading to deeper learning. 


"The most powerful single modification that enhances achievement 

is feedback. 

The simplest prescription for improving education 

must be 'dollops of feedback.'" John Hattie


In 2023, St Pius X College embarked on a journey of progressive reporting. This was first trialled in Year 5 and Year 7 and has been rolled out into all year groups in 2024 following positive community feedback. Progressive reporting is undertaken through Canvas when a teacher provides feedback on student work. Rather than being provided with one semesterised comment from a class teacher, students are given multiple points of feedback throughout a semester, allowing them the opportunity to improve in a timely and efficient manner. Students and parents are also encouraged seek feedback from teachers through formal Parent/Student/Teacher interviews.


"Assessment should be for learning, not just of learning." 

Dylan Wiliam


The aim of progressive reporting is to promote a growth mindset among students. Traditional subject comments can lead to a fixed mindset where students perceive their abilities as static and unchangeable. In contrast, progressive reporting focuses on the process of learning, rather than just the end result. 

Progressive reporting also encourages a deeper understanding through student reflection. In traditional reporting models, the assessment process is often one-sided, with teachers delivering feedback to students. However, progressive reporting encourages students to actively reflect on and evaluate their work, encouraging them to look forward and make changes for improvement. This reflective process not only deepens understanding but also promotes metacognitive skills that are essential for lifelong learning.

The shift towards progressive reporting at St Pius X College represents a significant step forward in educational practice and one that will produce dividends and impact on each student’s learning journey.


"Learning is about students knowing more about the curriculum 

and themselves as learners. 

It is the dialogue between teachers and students 

about this learning that is most critical." 

John Hattie

Mr Stephen Davidson - Assistant Principal, Teaching and Learning


As part of the Anzac Day Commemoration, the Year 12 French students analysed the paper titled "Divisional Claims Officers in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in the First World War: Establishing Legal Process in a Contested War Zone," published in the "War and Law" Journal and written by Mr Tony Cunneen. The paper focuses on the battlefield experiences as well as the significant amount of time Australian soldiers spent behind the front lines in France and Belgium. During these extended periods, there were numerous problematic interactions between soldiers and civilians. This paper discusses the establishment of a system for investigating and determining claims for damages made by civilians in those countries against the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) from 1916 to 1919. 

Students were fortunate to have Mr Cunneen as a guest in one of our French classes, where he shared with us the story behind writing the paper and some insightful stories about the Australian soldiers. The students also had the opportunity to analyse some appendices, letters, receipts, and notes in French which were included in the paper. The students were happy to share their reflections on the class and the paper in French and in English, attached below.

Monsieur Phaesie - French Language Teacher


The Science Experience 2024/2025

The Science Experience is a 1, 2 or 3 day STEM program of hands-on science and is open to all current Year 9 and 10 students.  The programs include hands-on activities in laboratories, short interactive lectures, and many programs include a visit to a local scientific site.  All programs provide information on future study and possible careers. There is no selection process and all students with an interest in this area are welcome to attend.


The program dates for NSW are 

University of New England (Armidale):  July 9 - 11

University of Technology (Sydney):  September 24 - 26

Macquarie University (Sydney):  October 9 - 11


For further information please email

visit: or call (03) 9756 7534.


Mrs Joanne Schuster - Leader of Learning, Science

Maths Drop-In

Maths Drop-In has kicked off the term with enthusiasm. Since the first week, it has been thrilling to witness numerous students from Years 7 to 12 dedicating their time to study on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Whether working independently or with a friend, students are engaging in extra study sessions. A fantastic method to stay ahead, boost confidence, and conquer upcoming Maths exams. 

A heartfelt appreciation goes out to Liam Boswell and John Carroll for their invaluable support to their fellow peers.

All Year 7 - 12 students are welcome to come along, to get assistance with Mathematics homework, assignments or study for assessments. Come along, we are here to help. 

Where: C1

When: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Time: 7:40 am - 8:30 am

I'm very much looking forward to seeing many students unlock their mathematical potential.

Mrs Amanda Fileman - Mathematics Teacher