Pastoral Care 

  • House Points Update
  • Founder's Day
  • Year 7 study skills evening
  • Uniform is important
  • Teen Disengagement Forum

House Points Update

In an exciting turn of events, after last week's Founder's Week activities, our first and second place holders are currently only 10 points apart!

Founder's Day- Year 12 performances

A huge congratulations to the Year 12s who were involved in the Founder's Day house performances. This was the first time that a production of this nature has been done. Special mention goes to Max Lenton and Michael Krizan who helped choreograph the performances and ensure the deadline was met.

Rice House was crowned the winners with their entire house being involved in a YMCA rendition around the CBC.

Congratulations again to all involved.

Year 7 study skills evening - save the date

Save the date for the Year 7 study skills evening which is being held next month.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.

This is an important evening for our Year 7 students as they commence their high school years and we are looking forward to seeing our Year 7 students, along with a parent, attending.  A letter will be sent out to Year 7 parents next week, and parents are asked to rsvp via the link in the letter.

Year 8 families who missed out last year, or who would like a refresher on this informative evening, are welcome to attend.

Uniform is important

St Pius X College has a long, rich, and proud history wearing our uniform, and we want that to continue.

Lately, staff have had to give numerous reminders about wearing the school uniform correctly. Often the reminders being given are to do with shirts which need to be tucked in. 

Tucking in your shirt when wearing a school uniform offers several benefits:

  1. Neat Appearance: Tucking in your shirt gives a polished and tidy look. It creates a sense of discipline and professionalism.
  2. Respect for Uniform Policy: We have a uniform policy that require shirts to be tucked in. By adhering to this rule, you demonstrate respect for the school's guidelines.
  3. Safety and Comfort: Tucking in your shirt can prevent it from getting caught in objects or machinery, reducing the risk of accidents, especially in practical classes like science labs or workshops.
  4. Focus on Studies: A neatly tucked shirt eliminates distractions and allows you to focus better on your studies. It helps create a conducive learning environment by minimizing unnecessary disruptions.
  5. Promotes Equality: Uniformity in appearance fosters a sense of equality among students, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. Tucking in shirts helps maintain this uniformity and reduces the emphasis on individual fashion choices.
  6. Preparation for Professional Life: Following dress codes, such as tucking in shirts, instils habits that are beneficial in professional settings later in life. It teaches you about the importance of presenting oneself appropriately and professionally.
  7. It's warmer: As the temperature starts to drop, having your shirt tucked in does not allow cold air to get under your shirt and make you uncomfortable. This has a flow on effect to your studies helping you focus better when your shirt is tucked in.
  8. School Pride: Tucking in your shirt can be a subtle way to show pride in our school and its traditions. It contributes to a sense of belonging and unity among students, faculty, and old boys adding to the rich history of St Pius X.

Overall, tucking in your shirt as part of our school uniform reinforces important values such as discipline, respect, and focus, while also promoting a sense of unity and pride within the school community.

I look forward to being proud of the way that you all present yourself whilst wearing the school uniform.

Teen Disengagement Forum

Mr Martin Gillogly - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care