From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice
  • EREA Charter Renewal
  • Founder's Day Mass and Celebrations
  • Primary School pick-up
  • Staffing Update
  • Congratulations to those students who received one or more ‘Outstanding’ comments in their Interim Reports
  • Key Dates
  • Cocurricular


Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday is a significant day in the life of our Church.  What is most significant is that the Apostles experienced something that fired them to go out and proclaim to anyone who would listen something of the life-changing impact that their relationship with Jesus had had on them. That Spirit-led change has reverberated through more than 2,000 years as generations of Christians inspired by other “apostles” have opened themselves to be moved by God’s Spirit alive and active in them and in the people and events that touch their lives.  Pentecost celebrates the awakening and embracing of God’s Spirit in the lives of the Apostles and in the lives of all of us.  Pentecost marks the birth of a movement that began in Jesus and was picked up by all who have chosen to walk in His footsteps.  Michael Leunig’s cartoon (above) gives us a real insight into the meaning of Pentecost.


God’s Spirit manifests itself in ever new and surprising ways – in the compassion, kindness and generosity of people across the globe who reach out to victims of injustice, violence and persecution. It is seen in volunteers who give of their time and talents to help people in developing nations find self-determination.  It is experienced in the selflessness of volunteers who put their lives at risk rescuing those in danger.  God’s Spirit at work is reflected in the generosity of those who donate blood or give money to appeals conducted by the Salvation Army or the St Vincent de Paul Society.  We are all potential agents of God’s 'spirit at work in the world.  We each have the capacity to let God’s Spirit loose wherever we go or, sadly, to anaesthetise that, Spirit.


This coming Sunday, the period of Easter comes to its conclusion with Pentecost Sunday.  As a young person, I was always confused about how the tongues of fire helped the disciples to speak in other tongues.  Since then, I have learnt that the miracle of Pentecost is not about speaking in foreign tongues, but of people of different languages receiving the gift of a common understanding of the mighty works of God in Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit.  This miracle of understanding was as though the lights suddenly went on for the disciples and they understood what Jesus was talking about so that those who heard the story of Jesus also understood despite the difference in language.


I pray that the work of the Spirit continues to work through all those associated with St Pius X College.


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice and the icon

As we conclude Founder's Week, we are reminded of the Blessed Edmund Rice icon.  In 1762 at Callan Ireland, a seed was planted for the birth of Blessed Edmund Rice Education Australia.


This is the Icon of Blessed Edmund Rice by Irish artist Desmond Kyne, depicting various aspects of Edmund’s life. 


The central image shows Edmund stroking the head of his daughter Mary.  As he looks out from the picture, Edmund is appealing to us to always be most caring to people in need.  He was completely open to the Holy Spirit moving creatively within him, through his life and in his work. 


In the top left, the Blessed Virgin Mary looks at us while Jesus looks at Edmund, and with a positive gesture recommends him to Mary.  God’s mother is being offered to replace Edmund’s lost loved ones – Mary, his young wife, and in another sense, Mary his only child. 


Bottom right shows a scene from Edmund’s boyhood as he talks to Brother Patrick Grace, a gentle Augustinian who was well known and well-loved in the Callan area as the Little Grey Friar.  In those days you were not allowed to practise religion in the open so they were quite secretive. 


Highlighted in the left-hand panel is the spiral symbolising God, who inspires Mary, a devout Jewish girl.  When Mary’s parents dedicated her as a baby they presented her in the temple.  The Presentation Sisters inspired Edmund to his educational work. 


Highlighted in the right-hand panel is St Teresa of Avila, a Carmelite mystic of the preceding century, upon whose writings Edmund often reflected. 

EREA Charter Renewal and Mission Strategy (CRaMS) Invitation to Open Forum and Online Forums

All members of the St Pius X College are invited to join the Edmund Rice Education Australia national community to imagine how our school, and all Edmund Rice Education Australia schools, can be the best they can be for our young people and for our world.  We need the help of all our EREA communities to shape the future for over 41,000 young people.


There are two sessions that you can engage, in person or online. Both sessions will provide you with the opportunity to discuss with others what you value about St Pius X College and what you hope it may strive to become.  What comes out of these discussions will assist the EREA national community to renew its understanding and articulation of what it truly means to be a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition.


The Open Forum will be held at St Patrick's College, Strathfield in the Scientia Building on 27 May at 6:30 pm.


The Online Forums will be held on the following dates:

  • Thursday, 30 May - 7:00 pm
  • Wednesday, 5 June - 11:00 am
  • Thursday, 6 June - 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday, 11 June - 2:00 pm

If you would like to attend one of these forums, please use the registration links below to register for either the Open Forum at St Patrick's College or one of the online forums.

Open Forum Registration Link

Online Forum Registration Link

For those attending the Open Forum on 27 May see map of St Patrick's College below.


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

Founder’s Mass and Celebrations

I'd like to take this moment to express my gratitude to the St Pius X community, especially to all those involved in the organisation and celebration of the Founder’s Day Mass. A special thank you goes to Fr David, who returned from Rome just the day before and graciously presided over the Mass. His words of encouragement, highlighting our ability to transform the world into a better place, have deeply resonated with the entire community. It's through our service to others that we can truly make a difference.


Similar to Mother’s Day, the College musicians and choir delivered an outstanding performance. One of the many highlights was the drumline, kicking off the Mass celebration in a remarkable manner. Special recognition is due to Mrs Westhoff, Mrs Talati, Mr Talati, Mr Cummins, Ms Gan, Mr Saar, Mr Balboa, and Mr Jones for their incredible support of the Performing Arts.


I extend my heartfelt thanks to Mr Petrie for orchestrating a meaningful Eucharist for our entire community.


Furthermore, I'd like to acknowledge Mr Gillogly for his overall organisation of our Founder’s Day. Despite being different from previous years, the entertainment level remained high. From the staff band to the student band, to the Year 12 Lip-sync, all students enthusiastically supported their House. Thanks also to all the Year 11 students who assisted Mr Stearn in catering for the students.  Lastly, a big thank you to all the Year 12 students who participated in the activities to ensure that it was an enjoyable occasion for everyone.

Primary School Pick-Up Area

There is new improved and more visible signage on Kirk Street to assist both Our Lady of Dolours Primary School and St Pius X College.  I would encourage all St Pius X parents to be aware of the restrictions to parking in these restricted areas so that we can safely embark all students into their vehicles.

Staffing Update

Recently, I shared with the College communication outlining the absence of Mr Quilty. While Mr Quilty undergoes treatment, several English teaching staff have adjusted their teaching loads to accommodate senior English classes in need of an experienced replacement teacher. Despite our active efforts to recruit a new English teacher, the ongoing teacher shortage in NSW has posed a challenge in securing a qualified candidate. While St Pius X has been fortunate in the past, we are currently facing difficulties. As a temporary measure, the College will arrange for experienced English teachers from other areas to fill the gap, and we remain proactive in securing a qualified teacher.


It is with regret that I announce Ms Laura Barwick's departure from the College at the end of Term 2, as she relocates with her partner to Edinburgh, Scotland. This presents an exciting opportunity for Ms Barwick to gain valuable experience in another country. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Ms Barwick for her loyal service to St Pius X. Though her time with us has been short, she has made a significant impact on the College and its students.  On behalf of the College I thank you.


Following the appointment of Ms Taddio to Acting Leader of Learning English, the College advertised an Expression of Interest for the role of Assistant Acting Leader of Learning English. I am pleased to announce that Ms Diana Emery has been selected as the successful applicant. We wish Ms Emery every success as she continues to support the English Department.


Mrs Lee will begin her maternity leave next Monday. We extend our best wishes to Mrs Lee as she prepares for the arrival of her first child.  Mrs Lee’s last day will be this Friday 17 May.

Congratulations to those students who received one or more ‘Outstanding’ comments in their Term 1 Interim Report, averaged across all subjects.

Following the Term 1 Interim Reports, I would like to congratulate and acknowledge those students who received one or more ‘Outstanding’ comment in their Student Learning Attributes. This is averaged out across all subjects.


We will recognise their efforts at the Principal morning tea on Wednesday 22 May at Recess.

Key Dates


Given the heavy rainfall we experienced last Saturday, I was pleasantly surprised by the number of games we managed to play, particularly at Oxford Falls. Despite mixed results, what stood out was the way in which students and coaches supported each other in challenging conditions.


Congratulations to everyone involved - coaches, players, and parents - for their efforts in ensuring that we could play as many games as possible. Special thanks for the extra washing that may be required due to the muddy state of our sons' playing uniforms.

Hopefully, this weekend’s conditions are better than last week. Best wishes to all teams.


Go the Blue and Gold this week.


Fide et Labore

By Faith and hard work

Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal