Assistant Principal's Report

By Judith Drew

Assistant Principal Report



Celebrating Education Week at ARPS – Monday 20th to Thursday 23rd May

This week we celebrated ‘Education Week’, with this year’s theme focusing on the way we engage in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in our everyday lives, in the classroom and beyond.


At ARPS, we have a dedicated specialist teacher allocated to teaching STEM across all classes. It is important to note, however, that STEM is also taught by classroom teachers in their daily programs. This is not only through daily Numeracy teaching sessions, but also through Integrated Studies units of work focusing on the Science curriculum, Design and Technology or Digital Technologies. 


One of the exiting aspects of engaging students in STEM is their ability to problem-solve, create solutions to real-world problems and actively engage in learning.


One of my favourite quotes from Benjamin Franklin highlight what we know about good teaching and learning. Involving the learner often has the best outcomes -and STEM is a great avenue for engaging active learners!



Curriculum News: ARPS Maths Leaders and the new Victorian Curriculum 2.0

On Wednesday we had Gaye Wilde (School Improvement Leader) begin work with our two Numeracy Leaders, Trish Johnston and Natalie Smith, in creating an UPDATED scope and sequence for Numeracy teaching and learning at ARPS.


In view of the latest Victorian Curriculum updates, we identified the need to review our current scope and sequence and align it to match these updates. 


*FYI - A scope and sequence document is a summary of what needs to be taught in the curriculum, set out in progressive stages of learning, from pre-prep through to year 10.

Teachers also use a scope and sequence document to identify where students sit on this continuum (according to assessment evidence) and what the next steps of learning will be for that student.


We thank Gaye, Trish and Natalie for their efforts in ensuring effective, relevant Numeracy teaching and learning continues to occur at ARPS!


Winter Is Just Around the Corner – Please Adjust Clothing to Suit

As winter is about to arrive, please be mindful that your child(ren) are dressed appropriately in a full school uniform each day. This includes warm school jumpers and weather-proof jackets. It’s always great to see students wearing beanies and gloves, as they can function better in the classroom when they are warm and happy. Please contact the office if you are in need of uniform


Please ensure that all clothing is clearly NAMED.  We often find an increase in lost property arriving at the office unnamed.




Our school has been fortunate to secure two Bunnings BBQ fundraiser weekend slots in 2024. The first of these is on Sunday 9th June. A roster is being developed for parents to assist in this Parents ‘Association fundraising event. 


If you can spare just one or two hours, we would very much appreciate your time and support on the day. Please see the office to ‘sign up’.


Attitudes to School Survey for year 4-6 students (REPEAT)

The Department of Education's annual Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS) for students in Years 4 to 6 will be conducted from May 27th to the 14th of June. The AtoSS is a voluntary annual student survey offered by the Department of Education to assist schools and the department to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experiences of school. We value student voice as a means to improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction, and will be asking your child about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general.


The results are presented to our school in an aggregated form to protect student privacy. Our school reflects on the collective responses and identifies practices across our school that are strong and areas where we can improve. The data informs our Annual Implementation Plan ensuring we are supporting the learning and wellbeing needs of our students.


Further information has been shared with families in Year 4-6 prior via Class Dojo and as a printed handout.


AEDC for Foundation Students 2024 (REPEAT)

Our school will take part in the AEDC between May and July this year. The AEDC is a national census that is conducted every three years by the Australian Government, in partnership with state and territory governments. It measures how children have developed by the time they start their first year of full-time school. 


The AEDC is voluntary and it does not measure how well children are doing at school, nor how their school compares to other schools. Instead, it shows how children are growing and progressing in five key areas, what is being done well and what can be improved.


AEDC data is used by schools, early childhood organisations, researchers and governments to help plan and improve services and supports for children and families. This is why it is important for all children in their first year of school to be included in the AEDC. You can learn more about the ways AEDC data is used at


A separate letter was sent to families of Foundation students last week. Please contact your child’s teacher if you did not receive this letter.


Parent teacher Conferences- save the dates:  Weds 12th June (day times) & Monday 17th June (afterschool ‘til 6.45pm) (REPEAT)

I urge parents to ‘save the date’ and keep an eye out for the upcoming Compass link to book your allocated time with your child’s teacher later this term.


Working Bee – Sunday 23rd June (9-12pm)

Another date to lock in – Sunday 23rd June from 9-12pm. We hope to give our overgrown hedges on the northern side of the school a good haircut, as well as complete some other maintenance-related tasks. We would love to see as many helpers as possible. Those that help are treated to a FREE BBQ at the end and receive a complimentary certificate of participation, presented to the family at assembly!


Keep a look out for future Dojo messages and a hard-copy flyer with further details.


Michael Mottershead

Assistant Principal


Michael Mottershead