Performing Arts News

Performing Arts Captains
Congratulations to Tvaritha Karthik (9C) and Kannon Lee (9C), our new Performing Arts Captains for 2024. Tvaritha currently learns flute and oboe and is a member of the Excel and Concert Bands. Tvaritha is also Assistant Stage Manager for the High School Musical production. Kannon learns clarinet and guitar and is a member of the Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble.
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra excursion Monday 15th April
Each year, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO) present more than 180 public events across live performances, TV, radio and online broadcasts, and via its online concert hall, MSO.LIVE, engaging an audience of more than five million people in 56 countries. On Monday 15th April, 24 of our own students from Excel and Concert band went to see the Orchestra perform a concert at the Arts Centre, Hamer Hall, from its "Meet the Music" series for young audiences. A wonderful experience was had by all. The performance was stunning and inspired the students, who even got to ask one of the musicians some questions after the gig!
String Workshop
7C student Ileesha Adhikari recently had the opportunity to represent Lyndale at the South Eastern Victoria Region String Workhop held at McKinnon SC. Ileesha plays violin and is also learning clarinet at school.
"Together, we played around six songs, practiced them, and recorded them. It sounded beautifully with all the different instruments, and parts together!...It was like playing in an orchestra and I loved having the experience of it."
Ileesha, 7C
Voice lessons - places available
Come and have a trial lesson! Bring a friend!
Yolande van Oosten
High School Musical
Rehearsals are well underway, and the show is already looking fantastic! Earlier in the year, we held auditions. 72 students auditioned for 32 roles. The cast was announced at the end of term one and rehearsals have been taking place on Mondays and Wednesdays after school. The musical is showing in early September. We can’t wait to show you how amazing our performing arts students are, here at Lyndale.
Steve Rault
How to practise music at home
Tips for students
- have a quiet, warm, well lit space with somewhere for your music to sit upright
- have a specific plan each time you practise. eg. a scale, 4 bars of music, breathing better, a new rhythm
- record yourself, listen back, identify how you could improve
- break a piece into "chunks", don't play from start to finish until you have worked on each section separately
- play slow and steady rather than fast and uncontrolled
- use a metronome or youtube beat to keep in time and check progress
- lastly, play something for fun each day
Tips for parents
- Encourage your child to play often, but for short periods
- Give them time and space to make some "noise"
- Ask them to show you something they have learned
- Expect it to sound 'bad' sometimes. All instruments are hard! Some of them make weird sounds. But it will get better.
- Record them, them listen back in a few months to compare. You should hear an improvement
- Support your child by attending their performances when you can
Important Performing Arts Dates
Tuesday May 28 6:30pm Music Soirée - All instrumental music students
Wednesday June 19 7:00pm Wicked excursion (Production cast and crew)
Thursday June 30 7:00pm "It's About Time" Performing Arts Showcase Concert - All dance and music students