Senior School News

During Term 2 we have begun our process in supporting students to prepare for their future pathways. At Lyndale Secondary College we use evidence-based approaches to inform our recommendations for the most suitable pathways for our students, so they can achieve their aspirations.
The Senior School Reform allows for more choice and flexibility when students are choosing their future career paths. This reform affords genuine opportunities for students to combine their aspirations and their passions in achievable and viable ways.
We will continue our work with students and families and will share further information regarding pathway choices as it becomes available to schools. At this stage, staying well informed and ensuring sufficient research is undertaken to make informed choices, is important. A lot of students often ask the question, ‘what is the difference between VCE & VCE VM?’. The VCE Vocational Major is a program within the VCE. Yes, any student can include a VET in their studies, so thinking about your interests and goals to make your choices, is important.
We will explain in more detail at our information evening on Tuesday 18th June. Please save the date.
The VCE's new Vocational Major lets students explore their passions and talents. The VCE Vocational Major is a 2-year applied learning program within the VCE. Students complete a high-quality curriculum and work toward completing a VET qualification while finishing school.
This means VCE Vocational Major students gain real-world skills and knowledge, so they can be successful in obtaining jobs in Australia’s most in-demand industries.
Whether they’re into music production, hospitality or agriculture, VCE Vocational Major students finish school with an employability edge, ready to take on work, life and more study.
Teachers and career counsellors are available to answer questions, and to support students as they make decisions about their final years at school.
For more information, go to
The SEVET Cluster was granted transport funding to support our students access to VET. In consultation with our VET coordinators, SELLEN have coordinated shuttle buses from Hallam Train Station to/from Hallam Secondary and another from Dandenong Station to/from Chisholm Dandenong for our VET students on Wednesdays and Fridays. Thanks to Andrew at SELLEN for ensuring the best use of the funding for our students.
VET Cookery & Hospitality Course
Every Wednesday we run VET Cookery & VET Hospitality at the school. These classes are supporting our students in industry experience gaining their Certificate II. The Food Technology room is a wonderful space to visit on a Wednesday to witness the fantastic cooking taking place during this time. Please see photos below of the wonderful dishes being prepared.
Cyber Safety Presentation
Thankyou to the group of parents for attending the Cyber Safety Presentation at Lyndale on Tuesday 21st March. It was highlighted the important settings and parental controls that allow children to navigate online tools independently and safely. Parents uncovered proactive tools and strategies for developing fundamental digital safety and wellbeing skills in our young people at home.Topics also covered:
- Social medial reputation management
- Cyber bullying, 'sexting', ongoing grooming
- Online gaming, inappropriate content desire
- Privacy management
- Identify theft, how to protect your devices, and how to report matters when things go wrong.
The session provided parents and guardians with insights and important information about popular online experiences children are exposed to today. Building a positive and healthy family environment where digital use is encouraged but managed effectively.
The Trades Fit Expo
On Thursday 9th May, forty five (45) Girls from Years 8 -12 attended the annual Trade Expo.
Hosted by the Department of Education, Trade & Tech Fit is a career expo for female and gender diverse secondary school students that showcases exciting careers in traditionally male-dominated industries.
The Trade & Tech Fit career expo provided a safe and equitable space where students engaged with tradies, apprentices, and industry professionals, providing insight into the breadth of career pathways where female and gender diverse people are underrepresented.
Students were able to experience interactive activities from 85 exhibitors across a huge range of industries, including:
- building, construction & engineering
- refrigeration, electrical & plumbing
- automotive, marine, aviation & aerospace
- solar & wind clean energy
- foundry and mining
- transport and logistics
- agriculture & horticulture
- gaming, cloud & robotics
- civil assets management & infrastructure
- defence, essential services & fire protection.
Here is some of the feedback from our students;
My trades fit expo feedback: Great opportunity and exposure to this industry. I loved the hands on activities, vehicles, and freebies. The exhibitors were also very friendly! Loved the chats and I got to learn more of their organization. The downside of this, was the pricing of food. (Sarina Yim, Yr 12)
The exhibition was really fun! There were so many interesting stalls and people to tell me things I had never heard of before! I learnt so many things, shared lots of laughs, and had a great time. There were so many things that i hadn't even considered in my future, but I really opened my mind to many possibilities. My favourite exhibit was the woolworths one because I learnt all about the things behind the scenes on how we get our fresh produce. The people there were super nice and were ready to answer all of my questions, no matter my age, which was lovely. Overall, it was a really good day. (Chilli Little, Yr 8)
Punctuality at Lyndale Secondary College
At Lyndale Secondary College we deem a student as late if they arrive at class after 8:50am. If a student is 15 minutes late everyday, by the end of the year that is the equivalent to eight days away from school. Please ensure that your child is on time for school every day. The need for punctuality and the impact lateness can have on student learning and classroom routines is critical. Our lesson structure has direct instruction in the first 10 minutes of class, so if a student misses this part of the lesson, it is hard to participate effectively and learn with and from others in a meaningful way.
VCAA also stipulate a set number of hours in the classroom in order to satisfactorily deliver programs. When a child is late, they are at risk of not being able to demonstrate their competency.
Finally, punctuality is respectful approach for the learning of others. Students who walk into class constantly late show disrespect for the learning of their peers and the right of their teachers to teach without interruptions. We appreciate your support in talking to your child to ensure they are punctual to class all times. Students should be arriving at class at 8:30am to ensure they are at in class before the first bell.
Up & Coming Senior School Events;
Monday 3rd June – Friday 7th June – Year 11 & 12 VCE VM Work placement. Our best wishes to all students going out into the workforce and gaining valuable industry experience.
Year 10 & 11 Exams – Tuesday 11th June – Tuesday 18th June – ‘Preparing ourselves for success’. Students are only required to attend school for this day during their scheduled exams and should be studying at home when there are no scheduled exams. Students may wish to study in the library or canteen area on these days.
Tuesday 18th June- GAT – All students undertaking unit 3 & 4 subjects are required to sit the GAT. Relevant students will be notified if they are required to attend.
Monday 24th June – Friday 28th June – Year 10 Work Experience. Best wishes to our year 10 students who will be having their first taster of work experience and the demands of attending a work place for a week.
I am always interested in hearing feedback from students and families regarding our processes at school and happy to further clarify any misunderstandings. Both constructive and positive feedback is important. Please feel free to reach out by sending me an email
Diana Kennedy
Assistant Principal
Senior School