Junior School News

Assistant Principal Report (Junior School)
I trust this week’s edition of the newsletter finds you and your family well as we near the halfway point of Term 2. All our students have made a great start to the year and have worked particularly hard, not only on improving their academic outcomes within the classroom, but also in representing the school in extra-curricular activities in music, sport, performing arts and literacy. It has been very pleasing to see the level of pride and passion students have been putting into these events and producing high quality performances in representing the school.
The term started with all students receiving their progress reports from Term 1, as well as parent/teacher/student interviews. Thank you to all those who met with staff to discuss your child/ren’s progress so far in 2024. Your support in valuing your child’s education and working together with the College goes a long way to enhancing educational outcomes and maximising their potential as learners. Students have been able to reflect on their areas of strength and improvements in setting their goals for Term 2, as well as applying their attributes and values in working towards those learning goals.
Students have also participated recently in the ‘attitude to school student survey,’ giving the College their own feedback on the academic, social and wellbeing programs at Lyndale SC. Student’s voice is highly valued at Lyndale SC and helps the College understand how student’s school experiences can be further enhanced or improved. Once the school receives these results, we will be unpacking the data with staff, students and the community in planning school improvements for 2025.
Our year 9 students have also been busy completing the Morrisby Online Assessments. These assessments help students find out which potential jobs match their abilities, interests and personality. These assessments are a valuable resource in helping students select their pathways and subjects for 2025, a process in which they will begin to navigate, towards the end of this Term with the Senior School.
We have also had a 25 students across Years 7 and 8 participate in Blue Edge, which is an educational and lifestyle program run every Monday morning by Victorian Police Education Unit. Students have built their knowledge and skill sets in leadership, harm minimisation, fitness, nutrition and working in teams to achieve goals. Students participating have really enjoyed their learning experiences in the program and we would like to thanks Victoria Police for supporting our students.
I mentioned earlier how parents and carers have an important role in their child’s education. At Lyndale Secondary College, we place great importance on having open and honest communication between the school and families. Staff will always fully encourage and welcome opportunities to meet with parents/carers to discuss their child’s academic progress, wellbeing or any other concerns that may arise.
May we respectfully request that when families would like to meet with a staff member at the College, that you please contact the relevant staff member via email on compass, or by contacting the administration over the phone on 9795 2366 to schedule an appointment.
Please be mindful that all staff at Lyndale SC have a busy teaching schedule and may not be available to facilitate appointments by walk-ins without prior notice. We will always endeavour to ensure that requests for meetings are scheduled in a timely manner and communication is returned to families at the earliest accessibility for staff.
Providing a safe environment for families to discuss the student’s learning or other concerns helps facilitate opportunities for reflection and learning. Families and schools may have differing opinions at times and as long as we express our views respectfully and have reasonable expectations of each other, we can reach a positive outcome.
Thank you for your attention to these matters. We look forward to continuing our work together as a learning community, in prioritising the wellbeing and learning of your child.
Kind Regards,
Luke Wilson
Assistant Principal.