Principal's Report

This week we have had many opportunities to engage in Reconciliation week activities. The children have learnt and participated in activities to promote connection, respect, action, and change. It was fantastic to see the pride and engagement our Fire Carriers and the broader senior class, engaged in working across the school in a respectful and enthusiastic manner.


Throughout Australia's reconciliation journey, there have been challenging moments that might make us want to turn away. However, when faced with division, the worst response is to disengage or disconnect. The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2024, "Now More Than Ever," serves as a powerful reminder that our commitment to justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples must persist, regardless of the obstacles.


As parents and role models, it is essential that we stand up to defend and uphold the rights of First Nations peoples. This means calling out racism whenever we encounter it and actively amplifying the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.


Our children learn from our actions. By engaging in and supporting reconciliation, we teach them the importance of justice, respect, and unity. Let's commit to fostering a future where reconciliation is not just a goal but a lived reality.


Now more than ever, we need reconciliation.


Driver/Parking at drop off

Once again, we have observed some challenging behaviours at drop off and pick up time in Napoleon Cres. Please exercise caution, care and patience during this extremely busy time. Parking is at a premium and may necessitate a lap of the block. The council have also advised us that parking inspectors will be out and about issuing infringement notices. I urge all parents and carers to follow basic road rules and we can all remain safe, especially our children.



On a personal note, I will be on Long Service Leave for the next two weeks, spending time with my family on leave. Jo Thurley will be in the acting principal role in my absence. I look forward to returning for the last two weeks of term!


Paul Wilkinson 
