Level 6

Level  6 

We have been very busy in recent weeks in Level 6! The students have been enjoying expanding their knowledge and skills and have been working hard in all subject areas.



Recently, Level 6 students have been exploring persuasive movie trailers and advertisements, including ads and print ads. Students have participated in thinking routines, such as ‘See, Think, Wonder’, to analyse the images and ads. Students enjoyed analysing movie trailers for Despicable Me 4, Inside Out 2 and The Lion King. In Writing lessons, we have now concluded our debating unit. The students participated in some very heated and educational debates, where they learned how to respectfully argue their point. This tied in well with our Inquiry topic ‘Power’, where we looked at political debates that politicians have had in the past. 

See, Think, Wonder - literacy work – analysing movie print ads

Analysing print ads in our outdoor learning space 



In Maths, we have had a focus on data and statistics. We have been having lots of real-life maths lessons, where students are able to apply their new skills to real world examples. Last week, students timed themselves when running 3 laps across the netball court. The students then identified the mean, median and mode for their data set and graphed their results. This week, students are learning how to measure their heart rate, track the data after exercising and then graphing the results. 

Students running laps of the netball court, recording times and inputting data



In recent weeks, students have continued exploring ideas around the idea of ‘power’. This has included understanding and exploring how politics works in Australia and what it means to be part of a democratic society. This week, students have commenced planning and preparing their political campaigns, which will be held in week 11 of term. Each political party consists of a Candidate, Media Officer and Community Engager. Each member has a different role to play and at the end of the term, each class will partake in the voting process, to elect a representative.


Looking ahead:

Monday 3rd June – Friday 7th June – Lifesaving Incursions (Whole school)

Thursday 6th June 2024 – Winter Gala Day 1

Monday 10th June – King’s Birthday Public Holiday – No school attendance 

Wednesday 12th June – Math Olympiad Test 2