Level 5
Level 5
Level 5-Week 8
Bike ed, surf life saving sessions, Naidoc week, assessments, 5/6 sport, six minute podcast have all been happening in Level 5 this week! Also Gala day coming up on Thursday!!!!
In Reading, we have been focused on a mentor text that relates to Naidoc week called the Rabbits. It outlines changes to Australia after the first fleet and how life changed for Indigenous Australians. We have been using thinking routines to understand the text on a deeper level and respectfully challenge each other’s ideas. We are continuing to focus on developing our speaking and listening skills through a daily six minute podcast which has led to deep discussions, students bouncing ideas off one another and challenging each other’s opinions and predictions. In our writing sessions, students are learning about different persuasive devices that they can use to develop a levelled up persuasive piece. We have been using a ‘bump it up wall’ to model amazing writing to enhance their understanding. In Maths, we are concentrating on measurement. We are using our understanding of metric units to convert millimetres to centimetres then to meters and then to kilometres. We have been researching past Prime ministers in Inquiry and the impacts they made on Australia. Friendology has focused on looking at social media, kind words and how words can be taken the wrong way.
Please remind your child to bring their water bottles, journals and charged iPads daily. We would love the students to write their personal reading in their learning journals and complete their homework consistently. The Premier’s reading challenge is in full swing and it has been pleasing to see students entering their own books in as they go. We are grateful for your continued partnership and support as we work together to ensure the holistic development of our students.
Thank you.
Level 5 teachers