Middle SS News

Sarah Hill

Week 5


A HUGE well done to each and every person who contributed to the success of MSS swimming. From ES, to teachers, to learning specialists, to therapists, to admin staff, I send thanks on behalf of the students who simply had an absolute ball. I’m sure I also speak on behalf of parents who see the work you do day in and day out- and last week was no exception. Thank you.


MSS Assemblies

A reminder to Rooms 12 & 15 who are taking charge of the assembly for Week 4 that this needs to be submitted ASAP.


Next up:

Week 6: Room 10, 13 & 16

Week 8: Rooms 14 & 17



A gentle reminder that heading into this term we have excursions taking place- please ensure you remain on top of the excursion to do list ahead of time. Be sure permission has been given by parents, the activity locator lodged and transport as well as staffing considered. I urge you to touch base with both myself and the admin staff in the weeks leading up to the excursion to ensure you have a second set of eyes over documentation, and a sounding board to assist in planning and coordination of the excursion.


Tier 1 Feedback & Coaching

This week, sub school leader observation and feedback cycle will begin. This will see sub school leaders in classrooms, providing feedback on tier 1 supports, and more specifically, tidy, organised classroom learning environments. Think, does what I have detailed on my tier 1 checklist accurately reflect what is happening in my classroom? Do I need to declutter? Does everything ‘have its place?’.


PLC & Professional Learning

There will be no PLC or PL in Weeks 5-7 due to SSGS.



SSG’s should be under way this week. A reminder to send me a quick email, or calendar invitation if you would like for me to attend.


IEP’s and Report Writing

Dan conducted a report writing briefing on Monday afternoon. If you were unable to attend, please ensure you refer to the PowerPoint referenced, touch base with your buddy classroom teacher, and of course liaise with myself if you would like further support or information. A mock report is due to SSL’s very soon.


Have a wonderful week- a little different to last week no doubt!