Catholic Identity
Catholic Identity
Religious Education Leader - Elizabeth Holligan
Sunday 2 June The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Year B
This Sunday is the feast of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. We are asked to reflect on the Eucharist, its meaning, the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. Christ is physically present in the bread and the wine. When we partake of the Eucharist we are becoming one with Christ. As a concept, transubstantiation is difficult to understand, it is a beautiful mystery. Christ revealed through his death and resurrection his ongoing love for us. His willingness to sacrifice all so we may know hope, know love, know how Christ makes us whole again. With the Eucharist we are given the opportunity to find strength in Christ’s love. We are asked then to take this love, love freely given by Christ, and share it with others. This week may we each remember to show the love of Christ in all we do, and be the love of Christ in the world today.
General News
Sacramental Program Confirmation and Eucharist – St Mel’s Parish
We offer our congratulations to students who made their First Eucharist and Confirmation recently. Thank you to Anthony Holligan, who as a member of our staff, is also on the Parish Sacramental Program Team and ran sessions for the adults as well as some of the sessions for children. We will be commencing the 2024-2025 Sacramental Program towards the end of next term with Reconciliation. This will be for any student in Year 3 or above who has been Baptised in the Catholic faith as their first step towards First Eucharist and Confirmation. This is a St Mel’s Parish-based program supported by St Anne’s College. Details and dates will be advertised when they have been finalised by St Mel’s Parish.
Term 2 Social Justice Awareness & Fire Carrier students
St Anne’s College community each term works to raise awareness and funds for Catholic Charities and other Charities that support the philosophy of our College ethos. This term we are raising awareness and fundraising for Opening the Doors Foundation. Opening the Doors Foundations’ focus is to ‘keep Koorie kids in an education of their choice’ by supporting First Nations children in education. Our Fire Carrier students have been organising an awareness campaign focusing on the importance of supporting First Nations children in education and how this is possible through this foundation. The Fire Carrier students have been actively participating in other First Nations awareness and reconciliation activities leading up to and beyond National Reconciliation Week (27 May to 3 June). Please keep an eye on PAM for their articles and activity notices.
Laudato Si' Week: Planting Seeds of Hope in our World
Every year the Catholic Church marks the anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical Laudato Si’. From the 19-26 May we celebrate what is means to care for our common home. In 2023, Pope Francis released a ‘sequel’ to his famous letter called Laudate Deum which reminds us of the urgent need to act.
This year the theme of Laudato Si’ Week centres around ‘seeds of hope’. We are called to consider how we can plant and nurture seeds to be the hope that the world needs during this time of suffering for our planet. Use these handy graphics to assist you with planting your seeds of hope this week!
For more information about the initiative, visit:
Sacramental Program Confirmation and Eucharist Timetable – St Mel’s Parish