Banksia House

Hi everyone, my name is Siddiqa and I am Banksia’s Year 7 SRC for 2023.
I’d like to start by congratulating Banksia House on winning the House Social Services Shield, raising close to $800 this year! A big thank you to all those involved in raising funds this year on behalf of the Banksia charity, Tour de Cure, a charity aiming to search for a cure for cancer. On top of that huge achievement, Banksia also won the House Shield following excellent student effort and participation across House Swimming, Athletics and Chorales. Congratulations to all those who competed. Your efforts were truly outstanding!
In the classroom, Year 7 Banksia has been busy creating their Rube Goldberg machines for their science projects. They have been using their practical and theory skills to demonstrate what they’ve learnt throughout the term, ending the year with a crazy invention to do a simple task!
This term, Banksia farewelled its Year 12 students, who enjoyed a day at Luna Park, a farewell lunch and their final assembly ahead of their final exams. Congratulations to all the Year 12s!! Good luck on the next chapter of your lives.
Reflecting upon the year, being part of this role was truly special. What I enjoyed the most was helping to make our school a happy place. It was awesome to stand up for my friends, team up to build a strong community and do things like raising money for charity that creates a positive and meaningful impact. Being in this role taught me how strong we can be when we all work together and it made my time in the SRC really, really good.
Siddiqa R
Year 7 SRC
Banksia House
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