LRC News

This term, we have celebrated Halloween and World Kindness Day and we are now preparing for Christmas.
The LRC looked very spooky indeed with cobwebs and other creepy decorations. Many of our students enjoyed reading horror and spooky stories. We had Halloween crafts, lolly bags and watched Goosebumps at lunchtime.
World Kindness Day was on the 13th of November. We promoted simple kind things we can do for each other and did some mindful crafts together.
Our Teen Library Advisors have done a brilliant job assisting with the lovely displays this term. Many of them have also participated in NANOWRIMO. This stands for the National Novel Writing Month which is a worldwide fiction writing competition. A group of dedicated students have spent their lunchtimes and spare time writing a novel of their choice. Several students have written a huge number of words and shown excellent commitment to improving their writing.
Lastly, could we please have all library books returned to the LRC by Friday 1st of December. If you have no overdue books, then we encourage you to borrow for the school holidays from the 5th of December.
Mrs Tough
LRC Leader