From the Principal

Welcome back everyone to Term 4, one of my favourite times in the school year, as it provides us with the opportunity to reflect and celebrate what we have achieved as a community.
A highlight already, has been the final week for Year 12 students, when we recognised both their achievements in completing their Secondary School education and the contribution they have made to our school during their time here. This included a House lunch, a trip to Luna Park for students and Year 12 teachers and culminated in the final assembly on Thursday 19th October, which staff, students and over 200 parents, friends and family attended. Drew Ginn, 3 times Olympic Rowing gold medallist, gave an inspirational valedictory address, and a morning tea was held afterwards where we celebrated in style. It was an emotional occasion, especially for families, and all of us were incredibly proud of the graduating class of 2023. We wish them well in the final exams or in completion of their Senior Certificate.
This is a busy time for all students as we complete end of year assessments. Over the last 2 weeks, Year 10 and Year 11 students have participated in their exam program successfully and are about to begin Smart Start, an induction program, in preparation for next year. Attendance and engagement during exams were high and students will receive feedback later this week from their teachers about their performance, progress and areas for improvement. This is a critical step in the exam process, and I would encourage all students to ensure they use this opportunity to get detailed information of where they are in their learning.
As everyone will be aware, our STEM and Design students continue to excel in their learning and are powerful ambassadors for our school. Keely Xia and Shravani Bhosale in Year 11 came second in the National “Day in AI” competition, winning a week’s work experience at one of Victoria’s top software companies and a team of Year 10 Design Engineering Academy students placed first in every category in the Swinburne Innovation Challenge. Competing against other schools across Melbourne, Dandenong High School was awarded the prize for “Best Overall” submission. Congratulations to the students and their teachers for this fantastic achievement.
Finally, this term we welcomed a new Assistant Principal to Hakea House. Charlotte Davison arrived from Kambrya Secondary College and has quickly transitioned into the school. An experienced educator and leader, Charlotte has taught in the UK and Mongolia before moving to Australia. She is passionate about student learning and building strong voice and agency for students and will be a valuable addition to the Principal Class team.
Please enjoy this 'start of the term issue’ that highlights examples of students’ success and shines a spotlight on what is happening at Dandenong High School.
Susan Ogden