Year 5 News

Almost halfway through the final term, and still no sight of slowing down. 



We will have a special newsletter dedicated to our Year 5 2023 Camp however it would be not quite right to exclude mentioning a little bit about our arrival. The students hit the ground running, jumping straight into 2 activities in the first few hours of arrival. With weather on our side, most of the time, each activity group conquered fears and pushed themselves beyond their expectations.


The Year 5 students have had an amazing time at The Sumit Camp this week. Enjoy this selection of highlights with more information and photos to be included in our next newsletter.




BSC Visit

The Year 5 students have been very privileged to have some students from Beaumaris Secondary College, offer to take sporting sessions, to teach the children various sporting activities. Our first session commenced last Monday, and despite the on and off rain, both the Year 5s and BSC students did not quiver. Our sessions will commence once we return next week.


Please enjoy some photos from our BSC visit.


Unit of Inquiry

For our current and final unit of inquiry, Sharing the Planet, the students have been exploring abiotic and biotice features and the 3 types of adaptations. Using their newly found knowledge, the classes were mixed up and set to the task to plan and design a creature that meets the need of its environment, and how it fits into that ecosystem.

Well done on yet another successful fortnight Year 5s!