Year 2 News 

The Year 2s are continuing to showcase their skills across all curriculum areas. We are pleased with the way the students are applying themselves to their learning, being risk takers, inquirers and excellent communicators. We hope you enjoy reading what we’ve been up to.  

Emma W – Presentation 


Congratulations to Emma W from 2C who was a communicator and risktaker this week when she shared what she knows about Pluto to her peers. Emma spoke very well, and we all enjoyed finding out more about the planet formerly known as Pluto :-) 

Well done, Emma! 


Lucy S and Emily D 

Lucy & Emily
Lucy & Emily


Congratulations to two open-minded and caring grade 2 students who took it upon themselves to raise money for the Royal Children’s Hospital. 


Lucy S and Emily D from 2C sold choc-chip cookies (which were, by all accounts, delicious) and managed to raisee $100 dollars! 


I can imagine how excited the Royal Children’s would have been to receive such a large amount of money and this lovely letter.   

Well done girls! 


Dear the Royal Children’s Hospital,  


Today we had a fundraiser.   We made chocolate chip cookies to sell and they were delicious.  We raised one hundred dollars!  

We would like to donate the money to the Royal Children’s Hospital. We think the Royal Children’s Hospital does a great job for kids, but we’d love the kids to have more support when at the hospital.  

We wish for kids to have different toys for different ages and interests and hope this money can help to do this.  

We want kids to have more fun when they are in hospital.  

Love from Lucy and Emily 

(8 years old)  


Pen Pal Visit

On Friday October 13 we were lucky enough to visit Black Rock Primary School to meet our Pen Pals again. This was the second time we would be meeting our Pen Pals after they visited BNPS in term 3. 

Despite the drizzle early in the morning, we set off on our walk to Black Rock Primary and were lucky the rain stopped soon after our departure. We arrived just before 10am and were able to enjoy a snack with our new friends before we were taken on a tour of their school. We loved learning about the different clubs they run there at lunchtime as well as touring the library and playground area. 


We then enjoyed a whole group activity where we completed an art hub to draw our own pictures of Pikachu before heading back to BNPS.


We thoroughly enjoyed our morning spending time with each other, and it was a wonderful way to conclude our Pen Pal activities for the year.  


 In Year 2, we have been continuing our exciting journey into the world of literacy, with a particular focus on persuasive writing. Our young writers have been honing their skills in persuading and convincing through various engaging activities and projects. Here's a glimpse of what we've been up to in our literacy sessions: 


Persuading Parents For A Later Bedtime

One of our recent tasks involved our Year 2 students writing persuasive letters to their parents, attempting to convince them to extend their bedtime. It's been truly heartwarming to see how creative and convincing our little writers can be. They've used persuasive language, sound reasoning, and even some adorable pleas to make their case. 

Advocating For More Free Time

In addition to convincing their parents, our students also turned their persuasive prowess towards a topic that's near and dear to their hearts - having more free time. They constructed persuasive pieces, arguing that Year 2 students should have at least 2 hours of free time a week. The passion and determination in their writing have been truly inspiring. 


Expanding Vocabulary through Dictionary Scavenger Hunt 

We've been incorporating fun and educational activities to enhance our vocabulary and language skills. A highlight has been the dictionary scavenger hunt, where students looked for words related to our units of inquiry. This activity not only improved their vocabulary but also deepened their understanding of the topics they're studying. 


Engaging with Literacy Planet 

We've also embraced the digital age with enthusiasm. Our students have been using the online platform Literacy Planet to explore spelling words and play various interactive games. It's a fantastic way to make learning more engaging and enjoyable. 



Weekend Recount Writing 

Our young writers participated in writing a weekend recount. They shared their experiences and adventures from the weekend, showing their developing writing skills. It's been wonderful to see the improvement in their writing.  


 SMART Spelling Focus 

This week, we're delving into the world of SMART Spelling, focusing on the 'kn' digraph, making the "n" sound as in words like "known." Our students applied their SMART Spelling knowledge through a spelling grid activity, showcasing their growing spelling expertise. 


We couldn't be prouder of the effort, creativity, and determination our Year 2 students have displayed in their literacy sessions.  Their ability to use persuasive language is truly impressive, and it's wonderful to witness their literacy skills blossoming. 



We hope you're as excited as we are about the fantastic learning journey our students have embarked upon in their math classes. Last week, we delved into the captivating world of fractions, and the highlight of the week was a creative and delicious project involving pizza! 


Exploring Fractions with Pizza: Our young mathematicians had a blast making paper 'kinder circle' pizzas, dividing them into quarters or eighths, and adding various toppings like salami, cheese, mushrooms, and tomatoes. They then went a step further by writing explanations of what each topping represented in terms of fractional parts. This hands-on activity not only made fractions more tangible but also gave our students a chance to exercise their creativity. 

This Week's Focus: Positional Language: As we transition into a new week of learning, our focus is now on positional language. Our students are diving into words like north, south, east, and west, as well as up and down, left and right, over, under, and behind. This exploration of positional language is a crucial skill that helps children understand and describe the spatial world around them. 


Storytime: "What the Ladybird Heard": To kick off our positional language adventure, we began with a delightful story called "What the Ladybird Heard." In this story, the animals on the farm are anything but quiet, except for the ladybird, who remains silent. When burglars hatch a plan to steal the prized cow, it's the quiet ladybird who devises a clever plan to thwart their dastardly scheme. This story not only entertained our students but also introduced them to the concept of direction and position in a fun and engaging way. 

Creating Farmyards and Writing Directions

Building on the story, our students then got to create their own farmyards, complete with a variety of farm animals, a farmhouse, hay bales, a tractor, and more. They used their newfound knowledge of positional language to write directions for their readers to find the prized cow within their farmyard. This activity combined creativity with critical thinking and was met with enthusiasm and determination. 

It's truly heartwarming to see our students embrace their math learning with so much joy and excitement. We're continuously amazed by their ability to blend humour and enthusiasm with essential mathematical concepts.  


Soaring to New Heights: Year 2 Paper Plane Project 


Hey there, folks! Last week our incredible Year 2 students embarked on an exciting journey through the skies - all with a piece of paper in hand. Yes, you guessed it right! We're talking about the amazing Paper Plane Project. In this adventure, the kids didn't just fold paper; they explored the principles of basic aerodynamics and the incredible forces that keep things flying. 


The Project 

Imagine a classroom filled with the sounds of paper being folded, laughter, and the occasional "Whoa, look at that!" That's what you'd find during our Year 2 Paper Plane Project. Students dived headfirst into the wonderful world of paper planes. They started with a simple fold, moved on to more complex designs, and finally, unleashed their creativity by modifying their planes for various challenges. 


Becoming Experts 

But wait, there's more! We had some students who soared to new heights, becoming the ‘experts’ of their class. These young aeronauts not only perfected their own paper planes but also helped their peers to achieve the same. Their expertise was crucial in the creation of our final planes. 


What They Learned 

As the project came to an end, our Year 2 students had learned so much. Not just about paper planes, but also about teamwork, problem-solving, and the basics of aerodynamics. It was an unforgettable experience that combined learning with loads of fun. 


So, there you have it, the Year 2 Paper Plane Project! Our students explored the magic of flight, unlocked the secrets of forces, and had a blast while doing it. We cannot wait to see where their newfound knowledge and enthusiasm will take them next.  


Stay curious and keep soaring, folks! 

Cyber Safety 

Students have continued to participate in cyber safety lessons in term 4 which have provided excellent opportunities for class discussion and learning focused on safety online. Students have been engaged in lessons that have enabled them to share real life experiences with their peers. 


Lessons have focussed on providing strategies to students on what they can do if they feel worried, scared, or hurt when online as well as strategies to manage problems they may encounter based on the severity of the situation. 

The Resilience Project 

The Resilience Project has continued in term 4. Students have been engaged in lessons that focus on gratitude with an emphasis on being thankful and appreciative for the things they have in life. Students have shown great maturity and understanding during these lessons, and it has been wonderful to learn about the many things' students feel grateful for having. 


It’s been a BIG two week in Year 2 and they students have been focused and engaged in their learning. They are really enjoying our daily activities and we are impressed with their effort. 


Well done Year 2. We are proud of you.