Year 1 News


During weeks 3 and 4 of Term 4, the year 1 students have attended swimming lessons at Swim Right. Not only did the children sharpen up their swimming skills, they also had theory lessons on water safety and survival skills. During this two-week program the students have completed a swimming diary. Please read below to see some of their diary entries. 


1A Swimming

At swimming today I did Water Safety Day. It was so fun! Because I had to wear my clothes in the water. I treaded water then I did floating on my back. Henry Porter 1A 


First I sat down an I learnt about safety. I first learnt about drownin. You can drown in a river and a pool and a lake and a spa. Then I got in the pool and I did bubble breathe. I did backstroke and then I got out to get changed and then I got on the bus and then I got off the bus. Olivia Barker 1A 


Today at swimming I was in the purple group. First I picked up the sinkies. After that we went to the steps and practised our kicking. Then we got into the pool and did torpedo. And then we did it but with a kickboard. Angus Forsyth 1A 


I went to swimming again. It was great. I am so excited for tomorrow! I think it will be great. I learnt how to be safe in the water. We had to wave our hand up in the air! Harlow Haworth 1A 

1B Swimming

Today was my forth swimming lesson. At swimming lessons today I did torpedo with a board, soldier kicking, backstroke, freestyle and more. I was the fastest in my group. I had so much fun. I can’t wait until my next swimming lesson. My mum came to watch. Owen. E 1B 


Today me and my friends went to our first swimming lessons. We were so excited. We hopped on the bus and went to the place where we were doing our lessons. I wa in the purple group with Eliza, Thyme, Flynn and Harlow. I kept banging against the rope and losing my direction. I can’t remember what my teachers name was but I remember that it started with a b or d. I loved diving for sinkies. It was so much fun! Emily. N 1B 


Today was our theory lesson. We learnt about rips and that you have to stay in the flags. After that we had our lesson and it was the best day ever. Miles. M 1B 


Today at swimming lessons I did torpedo and backstroke. Then I went to the deep end and did a pin drop and got the rings. After that I showed my pindrop to my teacher. Then we got out and go dressed and hopped on the bus and went back to school. Pippa. H 1B 


Yay! It’s swimming again and I am so excited for it because I have lots of fun. We had to swim through a hoop and had to grab a sinky without standing up. We also did backstroke, torpedo and breaststroke. At the end we did a pin drop and got dressed and got on the bus and went back to school. Alyssa. R 1B 


Today was my theory lesson. We learnt about rips that can take you in the deep. It was very fun. Then we went back to the normal swimming lesson. It was very fun! Thyme. B 1B 

1C Swimming


First we had to sit on the floor to know what group you will be in. My group was Leo, Brody, Violet, Ruby and Jessie. We did freestyle, backstroke and also we went to the deep end. – Elliott 1C 


Splash! I hopped in the pool with a big splash. First we did freestyle on our belly. Then we did bubble, bubble breathe. Next we went in the deep end and did chicken airplane soldier. After that we did pin drops. Finally, we got changed into our school clothes. – Ayah 1C 

Splash! Into the warm water I go! Today was our fifth day at swimming lessons. We started off with freestyle. Then, we went to the deep end and did some fun pin drops. That was definitely my favourite part! – Violet W 1C 


First we put our swimming caps on our heads. After we went on the bus and I sat next to Ruby. Then we arived at Blue Fit Swim. Ruby and I walked off the bus and we all got changed. Finally all of us sat down on the floor. - Alia 1C 


Time to put your life jackets on! Today is safety day. First we put on our life jackets and jumped in. When the teacher said helicopter helicopter helicopter, we had to make a circle. Then we under armed the ball and saved the person in the water. - Ruby 1C 

1D Swimming


Today we did our first school swimming lesson! First we hopped on the school bus to Blue Fit. Then we changed clothes. Next we got divided into groups. I was in the white group. We did backstroke, freestyle and frog kicks. Leo 1D 

Today was water safety day. First we had to save the people. We all took turns of saving each other. We wore life jackets. We all joined arms and got in a circle. Olivia 1D 


Today I was excited for swimming. When I hopped in the pool we got straight into kick board. After that freestyle then back stroke. My favourite was the deep end because I like pin dropping into it. Luci 1D 

Today it was the fourth day of swimming lessons. Firstly we did kicking on the board of course. I splashed on my back, looked like I was making big splashes. Next we began to do back stroke. I was moving like a worm when I was on my back. After that I suddenly did frog kicks. Finally we went to the deep end. We did some pin drops and had to get the rings. Emma 1D 


On Monday we had our first swimming lesson. I was in yellow group with Reid, Cruz, Luke, Heidi and Zoe. At the end of the lesson we got to get the sinkies. It was the best. I got all of the sinkies every time. On the bus I sat with Hamish and Xavier. Seb 1D