Prep News


The Preps have really enjoyed their first school swimming lessons. The Preps found the novelty of travelling to the pool by bus a lot of fun and this was a highlight each day!

These swimming lessons are a great way to develop swimming skills, and also allow the Preps to independently navigate getting changed and making sure their personal items are carefully packed into their bags and brought back to school.

Of course, the highlight was the Water Safety lesson where the Preps wore shorts and t-shirts over the top of their bathers. What fun to jump into the pool wearing clothes! The Preps also had fun experiencing what it's like to wear a life jacket. We were so proud of all the Preps, watching them try their best and having fun while learning these important skills.


The Preps have recently been having fun collecting and representing data in class, which we have related to our Units of Inquiry. They have had fun representing data in pictographs, bar graphs and using tally marks.

Last Term we considered 'Which house would you like to live in for a week?', where the Preps got to choose if they would like to experience living underground, in a treehouse, a skyscraper or an igloo. This term we have asked 'What is your favourite sea creature?' and 'What is your favourite thing to do at the beach?'.


Students then extract information from the graphs and have enjoyed comparing the data within each class and also comparing the different responses between the grades. The Preps can confidently interpret simple facts such as, '8 people chose a shark as their favourite sea animal.' Comparing data, such as '3 more people liked turtles than starfish' is a little more challenging.


The children have really enjoyed these activities which are very interactive, personalised and fun.

Students Taking Action

In Prep our current Unit of Inquiry is 'Sharing the Planet' with the Central Idea ‘Peoples use of the sea impacts upon the sea creatures that call it their home.'  At school we have been talking about the impact of rubbish reaching the ocean and the negative effects it can have for sea animals.  


It has been wonderful to see some Prep students independently take action by bringing in rubbish bags and collecting litter in the playground, so it doesn't end up in a drain and carried out to the Bay.  Other students have shown action by picking up rubbish at our local beach which is so fantastic!


Well done to Mia, Olivia, Emilia, Brody and other students for thinking about the environment and doing your part to keep sea animals healthy and safe!