Interview with Nicola & Annie

Interview with Nicola & Annie



How long have you worked at 



  • Since February 2022 – only 20 months!


  • For 23 years

Who inspires you?  


  • Apart from Nicole Rainsbury (ha!), my husband’s aunt is a midwife who has worked for the International Committee of the Red Cross in many countries including South Sudan, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, and Myanmar. Her compassion for people in dire situations in desperate need of aid and her bravery to go into those situations has made me reassess my own life and think about how I can do something more meaningful with my time. This is part of what lead me to my role here at BNPS!



  • The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.


What is your favourite thing to do on weekends?


  • On the weekends, I play soccer with my teammates at Beaumaris Soccer Club… Go Sharks!


  • Brunch with friends or family & catching up with my grandchildren.


If you could go on a holiday anywhere in the World, where would you go?


  • I would love to visit the Emperor Penguins and see the Aurora Australis in Antarctica.


  • Hawaii, I just returned from a holiday to America and stopped in Hawaii on the way home, and I absolutely loved it. Especially the Long Island Iced Teas (that I had way too many of).


 Are you an early bird or a night owl? 


  • I’m definitely a night owl… as much as I try to change my ways, I can’t get into the early bird rhythm!!


  • Early bird
Annie, Nicola
Annie, Nicola

What might someone be surprised to know about you?


  • I have eight ear piercings!


  • That I constantly eat - all day!
  • And I was a baton twirler and still practice dancing to my favourite boy band NSYNC.

What recently made you smile?


  • It was wonderful to see the students at OSHC learning about composting and planting indigenous bush tucker in the OSHC garden. I can’t wait to see how the garden develops over the coming years.


  • The other 3 office ladies who are a laugh a minute! 

What would you like to say to the students at BNPS?


  • It has been so nice getting to know a lot of the students at BNPS. I have been so impressed with the quality of work produced by all our students, so I know you are all going go far in life if you keep up the good work.


  • You make me smile every day, and always know that you can achieve everything you aim for.