
にほんごニュース Japanese news



Japanese schools 



Year 3 students have been learning about Japanese school lunch programme. They have learnt it is not just about eating food but also learning about healthy eating habits. They will exchange greeting cards with Arakawa primary School (in Osaka, Japan) later this term. On the cards, they will write “Nice to meet you!”, “My name is…” , “I am … years old” and “I eat … for lunch. It is yummy!” in Japanese.


Year 4 students have been learning about the school rules at Japanese schools. They will discuss the differences and similarities between the school rules at Arakawa Primary School and BNPS. 


The Year 4’s have been practicing writing and speaking sentences such as “We do (a school activity) at BNPS” and “We are not supposed to do…at BNPS.” 



Playing a board game of Japanese school building and classrooms


Japanese school lunch of Arakawa Primary School (Curry and rice)

こうじせんせい Koji sensei