A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
Dear Parents and Carers,
November is the month of Holy Souls, when we pray especially for those who have passed away. We pray for deceased relatives and friends as well as all those souls who may be in Purgatory. We can offer up our good deeds, pray the Rosary, attend Mass or visit a cemetry. Adding the prayer for eternal rest to our daily prayers is another way to remember those who have left this life during November. Please think about ways you can adjust your prayers to include the Holy Souls. Please also continue to pray for peace in our world.
On Monday installation of the long awaited and much needed shade structure over the basketball court will commence. During next week students will only be able to play on the synthetic grass and tennis court areas when across the road. A temporary fence will be erected to divide off the area where the shade structure is being built. We will work closely with the builders to ensure that the area is kept safe. Sport lessons are currently in the hall as the students are working on their gymnastics skills. We look forward to a much cooler experience on the playground.
On Wednesday 6th December we will be holding the AGM for St Martha's Parents and Friends. We are hoping to see as many parents as possible at the AGM to be held at 8:15am in the Parish Hall. Our current P&F executive team have worked tirelessly over the last two years and are looking for some new helpers to step up. The current team are happy to provide assistance and guidance for the new committee members. Please consider putting yourself forward for a role on the team.
In 2025 we will celebrate 100 years as a school on this site. We are seeking parents who would be willing and able to assist with organising the celebrations for our centennary. If you can help, please email the school office. We are happy to hear from those with ideas as well as those who would be willing to put in the work to make the celebrations a true reflection of the school's achievements over the last century. We will form a committee and meet regularly next year to arrange the celebrations.
The end of the year is fast approaching. There are many events coming up and much to do as we celebrate the acievements of our students and say farewell to those heading off to new schools. Please remember that change and transitions require some support. If your child is experiencing stress or expressing concerns, please share this with your child's teacher. We have some wonerful supports available, but need to know when they are needed. You can also use the Catholic Care support line by phoning 13 18 19 if you have concerns about your child.
Peace and best wishes,
Carolyn Parsell