Galilee Out of Hours School Care
Galilee Out of Hours School Care
Good afternoon, dear families!
We had beautiful days in GOSH during the past weeks.
Zac, Jai, Cherry, Will and Lachlan initiated the dance competition. Roger, Michelle, Ava, Jai challenged their peers’ flexibility during the “Twister” game.
The chess tournaments were amazing! Charlotte, Alexander, Tyrah, Isabella and Zain were the top one players.
Children impressed us with their behaviour and the way they support each other and us during the current circumstances, they are outstanding and we love them a lot!
Our photos will be louder than words, as always 😊
Please don’t forget to book your children at www.theircare.com.au and, please, don’t forget: NO HAT/ NO SUNSCREEN - NO OUTDOORS
Have a great weekend, and see you in GOSH
Kateryna, Vidya, Letitia